Jim P

Well Known Member
I have a trivia question on a Bendix King KT-76A Transponder. Per the user manual, it states that there are 4096 distinct codes that can be set using the rotary knobs. This is interesting in that not every digit would all numerals from 1 to 9 on each card (this is the old, non digital transponder) as this would enable 10,000 codes (if you include 0000).

I'm interested in exactley which digits pertain to each selection knob (i.e does knob #1 only have 1,2,3,4, 7?), so if anyone has one at home, could you let me know.


transponder codes

the transponder uses an octal (8) numbering system. 4 digits 0 through 7

7777 octal converted to decimal = 4095
Does anybody have a copy of the KT-76A maintenance manual in PDF they can send me?
Another trivia question.......

I believe I know the answer, but the question is: Why are the digits 8 and 9 not used in transponder codes?

PS: Same reason that the digits 8 and 9 weren't used in US Navy aircraft nose numbers.

Historical oddity.......... Any takers??:rolleyes: