
Well Known Member
Happened to be perusing Santa Paula Airport using Google Maps satellite view, since I'm looking forward to flying there once I'm flying and out of Phase 1. When zoomed in close, it appears as if you are viewing from an angle rather than straight down.

How is this RV-related? Well, have a look at the link. Rare when I l view an airport with Google Maps that an airplane landing or departing is visible, but in this case there is. Short final, runway 22 :D
Took a second or two to find it, but's thats pretty neat. Looks like a RV-7, tip up with flaps down approaching the runway.
Plus, looks like 3 more RV's at the fuel pit.

I pretty much always get my fuel at SZP. Usually the cheapest around and a nice 20 min flight from TOA.

Lots of photogs there too... most of the pics of my -6 are from SZP.
Another RV sighting on GE..

One of our Chapter members saw this on at our local Auburn, WA airport at the run-up for 34... that RV-7 airplane looked strangely familiar. :D
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Is this the shadow?

Extend back past the tail of the RV until you get to a green grass courtyard with the red car parked. There are two cypress trees there. I think the shadow can be identified by the VS shadow on the building next to the second cypress tree.

Edit: I didn't see the RV when I looked yesterday, but I saw it right away just now when looking on a different machine... if the Google Maps view is the 45* view, the RV is there, but if the 45* is deselected (for an overhead view), it's a different satellite photo: there's a high wing on the ground just short of the numbers, and the RV isn't in the photo.
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These views are mosaics made of a series of still shots. Just look at the way the freeway on ramp offsets a bit at the fog line.

The shot of where the shadow should be was taken at a different time than when the shot of the plane was taken.
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if the Google Maps view is the 45* view, the RV is there, but if the 45* is deselected (for an overhead view), it's a different satellite photo: there's a high wing on the ground just short of the numbers, and the RV isn't in the photo.

Yeah, my machine is not showing the RV but is showing the Cessna on the numbers.
These views are mosaics made of a series of still shots. Just look at the way the freeway on ramp offsets a bit at the fog line.

The shot of where the shadow should be was taken at a different time than when the shot of the plane was taken.

Thats exactly right. Most are same-ish time of day may be different days.
Yeah, my machine is not showing the RV but is showing the Cessna on the numbers.

When you are looking at Google Maps, there's an option in the menu at right that drops down when you run the mouse pointer over it, labeled "45?". Make sure that's turned on. Otherwise you won't see it.