John Courte

Well Known Member
This is pretty niche/local, so if you don't ever plan on flying to/from KSMO, (but you should!), please disregard.

KSMO contracts with Vector Airport Systems to handle the landing fee system there. The way it works (as far as I know) is their cameras and other systems catch your tail number when you land, or any time you get a squawk code from the tower for landing and departing. The system assigns you a landing fee based on the weight of your aircraft based on matching its tail number to the gross weight in the TCDS.

You'd think because we have no TCDS for our planes, that they wouldn't be able to bill you because there's no publicly recorded information for your gross weight. You'd be wrong. They bill you. They just bill you based on a WAG for what someone thinks a typical piston single weighs, in my case 2500 lbs.

So when I called them to find out exactly how they were billing my landing fees, I was able to give them the proper gross weight of 1190 lbs, which reduced my account balance and future fees considerably. As onerous, burdensome, and annoying as landing fees at SMO are, I'm glad to finally be paying what I should be instead of extra. No need for the city to get a dime more than they absolutely should from a policy designed to squeeze aviation out of one of the coolest airports in the country.

Anyway, hope this helps someone.
It isn't quite that sophisticated :); the tower just sends Vector a list of daily arrivals and departures. I have flown into SMO many times in several corp jets and find it a great little airport and very convenient when needing to go into downtown L.A. It's too bad the city hates it so much.
Landing fees in general

I've returned to the GA side of aviation fairly recently.

I don't seem to be able to find any online resource for fees such as landing, handling, security, terminal, overnight, or ramp fees. Searched the websites of both FBO's at SMO and found nothing. The FBO Comments had some references to fees, and the SMO Airport Operations section does state, "Landing fee: yes", but that entry doesn't seem to be a standard part of the Airport Operations section for other airports.

Does anyone have a resource other than a phone call for researching these fees in advance? Thanks.

Cheers, David
I've returned to the GA side of aviation fairly recently.

I don't seem to be able to find any online resource for fees such as landing, handling, security, terminal, overnight, or ramp fees. Searched the websites of both FBO's at SMO and found nothing. The FBO Comments had some references to fees, and the SMO Airport Operations section does state, "Landing fee: yes", but that entry doesn't seem to be a standard part of the Airport Operations section for other airports.

Does anyone have a resource other than a phone call for researching these fees in advance? Thanks.

Cheers, David

First hit for a Google of "Santa Monica Landing Fees"

I'm not a lawyer, but I don't believe they can legally bill you under the current rules. It specifically says "maximum certificated gross landing weight". I also received an invoice for a recent trip and I have sent a dispute. The city would use this kind of technicality against you given the chance, so I don't see why I should give them any leeway at all.
You can choose not to pay the fee but eventually they will add your n-number to the black list and will not permit you to land there (unless you are inbound with an Emergency). I know of a few operators that have violated the noise sensors at SMO 3 times and are now black listed.
I am not a lawyer either but I believe the owner (city, county, state, port authority, etc.) has every right to ban you from their airport if you don't play by their rules.
I'm not a lawyer, but I don't believe they can legally bill you under the current rules. It specifically says "maximum certificated gross landing weight". I also received an invoice for a recent trip and I have sent a dispute. The city would use this kind of technicality against you given the chance, so I don't see why I should give them any leeway at all.

Knowing Santa Monica and their dislike for planes -

If pilots dispute the "maximum certificated gross landing weight" bit they will solve the problem by simply saying no Experimental planes.
Knowing Santa Monica and their dislike for planes -

If pilots dispute the "maximum certificated gross landing weight" bit they will solve the problem by simply saying no Experimental planes.

Well, I hope that isn't the case. I certainly wouldn't want to create a new problem. They could solve the issue by having a fee per-seat or something like that, but the currently passed resolution doesn't provide for any alternatives to "certificated gross landing weight" afaik
I'm not a lawyer, but I don't believe they can legally bill you under the current rules. It specifically says "maximum certificated gross landing weight". I also received an invoice for a recent trip and I have sent a dispute. The city would use this kind of technicality against you given the chance, so I don't see why I should give them any leeway at all.

I don't understand. What technicality is being pointed out?
We all have a "gross weight" that you certify when you get your air worthy certificate. It may be poor semantics with their wording, but we all know what it means.
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Exactly...just play by the rules and pay the fee based on your max landing weight. If you don't want to play by their rules, don't go there...
What are you flying that has an 1190 lbs Gross weight?


Wow, I have no idea where I got that number. But I remembered it from somewhere, which is why I gave it to them over the phone. I wasn't near my computer at the time, so I suppose my number was just as bad as theirs. The weight I guesstimate when I do most of my landings at SMO, is 1426, if you figure me flying solo, half fuel, and no baggage.

I suppose I should do the right thing and call them back and correct it to Van's published numbers. But considering they've been overcharging me for the last 2 years, I'll probably wait a couple of months.
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