
Well Known Member
KRNM Social

Ramona airport June 26, 10 am till 2 pm , come on out , we may even have some food . park your RV in front of my Hangar ( lots of room).. It’ll be a fun get together finally.
Pass the word
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Ramona social

Just noticed the Ramona Social on the 26th of this month isn’t listed on the Events calendar? Did I miss something on posting it?
Need a hangar soon

I will be needing a hangar soon so I can finish up my RV-8.
Would this be a good event to figure out if anyone has space to share?
Spam Can acceptance

I am building my 9, but it wont be ready on Saturday, but maybe be ready on (a) Tuesday thou. So if i come in a Spam can, will you all mock me?
Hello John,

Builders are part of the family too. Mocking will be kept to a minimum.

I will be there in my -10

I would love to be there to meet more RV drivers but my 14A is being painted in Santa Maria and I go up to do the reassembly on Monday. I am based at WHP but have relatives in Ramona. Picture with status as of today. Accent coats are metallic green and metallic silver being sprayed today.


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First time to KRMN...are your in the west or east hangar cluster?
Do you have RV14A Jack Points in stock?
Fly in Jackpoints.

I’ll check if I have any more RV14A Jackpoints in stock. I’ll bring a few of each model in case anyone want to get a set.
CU tomorrow.
What a disappointment. There was absolutely no signage, nor road access to this event. I still had a nice time at the Ramona airport, but sure would’ve loved to seen some RVs.
Not sure how you missed it

Lemos-not sure how you could have missed the 19 RVs and about 10 GA aircraft. Like Bruce said in his post, next to CAL fire. Donny has the biggest ramp in Ramona. Sorry you missed it, even my better half brought her Cessna 140. Not a disappointment from my perspective. Next time just stop at the only FBO there and ask. Anyway, what a great time and success. Thanks Donny and J for hosting and the volunteer cook Mike who didn’t even have a plane out there, just wanted to help. Everyone was so nice


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I was hoping to make it today … went on a motorcycle ride, and saw Ethan flying his RV-10 in, but didn’t get a chance to swing by. Looks like a good turnout, however.
It was great fun

Good burgers, lots of ice cream and great conversations with fellow RVators. Thanks to Donny and Jaye for hosting it.
Wish I could've

Next time. Wife had some minor surgery yesterday so I had to stay home. Love Romona airport.
RV social

Thanks all for your support.
The Social turned out pretty good since politics, insurance etc. has us having to keep it more of a private event within the RV network and word of mouth.
We couldn’t have had this without the help of fellow RV’ers Chris, Steve, Matt and Mike at the grill. My wife Jaye and her friend Connie sure did a great job with all the food and Hangar prep. Also the Ramona Rattlers formation team for their flyover.
Thankyou for all the donations , proceeds will go to next year if we still have access to the Ramp space..
What a disappointment. There was absolutely no signage, nor road access to this event. I still had a nice time at the Ramona airport, but sure would’ve loved to seen some RVs.

I drove up, didn't know the gate code, pushed the button, and asked to be let in for the RV fly-in. I parked by the FBO, and walked the 50 yards towards CalFire.

I'm assuming you didn't ask anyone where it was, as virtually everyone there knew.

Sorry to hear you missed it.

I managed to count about 20 RV's attending, plus a variety of other homebuilts and factory built airplanes.

Photos are here.

Thanks for putting this on, it was fun.
I drove up, didn't know the gate code, pushed the button, and asked to be let in for the RV fly-in. I parked by the FBO, and walked the 50 yards towards CalFire.

I'm assuming you didn't ask anyone where it was, as virtually everyone there knew.

Sorry to hear you missed it.

Nobody even answered the gate intercom! Seeing the photos I now understand that it didn’t take place at CruzeAire. Looks like I had to go to Chuck Wallace Aviation to be let in maybe. Like I said absolutely no signage street side.

"Nobody even answered the gate intercom! Seeing the photos I now understand that it didn’t take place at CruzeAire."

Nothing takes place at cruiseair. I have a hangar there. Great job Donnie.