
Well Known Member
What do you folks think about using a KNS 80 in the RV. I know it is old technology but it does give VOR/LOC/GS/DME. I can pick up a working one for $400 but it will be a few years before I need avionics. Any inputs would be appreciated.

Although its a good box at a good price, I would pass on it if I were you.

Wait until you get ready to "really" design your avionics system. You may find some new box that is really compelling which might fit your budget (or it may not and you do as most of us have, and "just go for it").

In a few years, if you are still interested in KNS80's, they will be available at even better prices. Also, the King plasma panel boxes tend to lose displays as they age and replacements are very pricey.


I have fond memories of many hundreds of hours behind a KNS-80, which was a remarkable piece of equipment for its time. That time, however, is long gone.

It's my understanding that parts to repair them are difficult or impossible to find, so that if it breaks (unless you could keep a spare or two) you're looking at redoing your panel. This situation isn't trending better.

If you aren't yet flying, I agree with the perennial advice to wait on avionics as long as possible.
I have experienced the King display repair costs firsthand and can confirm they are HIDEOUS (like $900 for a display with a couple of bad digits).