
Well Known Member
Hi folks

I may be moving to the Knoxville, TN area next year and I would like to find a hangar for my RV. I will probably be living close to Knoxville airport to the South of the city but I prefer flying from smaller strips as they are more sociable. Knoxville Downtown Island may not have availability and they seem to be pricey, looking to see what other options I will have.

Thanks, Gary
East TN Waiting Lists

Yes, I'm resurrecting an old thread, because I've moved from the Great White North to the Volunteer state. Unfortunately it appears I've been spoiled in SE WI at Kenosha (KENW) with lots of hangar availability. I'm hoping the VAF family can point me towards an airport in the Knoxville area (withing 2-hour drive) that has hangar availability.

The nearest airfield to my new home is Monroe Co. (KMNV) but it will be 2 yrs before they have hangars built. The shortest waiting list I've found is Athens (KMMI) at #7. The waiting list for downtown Knoxville is over 100. I would be willing to build my own hangar, and would like to avoid a community hangar if possible.

I'd rather not tie out my slider RV-7A, and with a nose wheel, I'm partial to hard surface runways. Any advice will be appreciated.
Not sure how long a drive it is to 1A3, you said within a two hour drive, but there is s hangar available there. We have three RV?s there, a 9, 9A and a 12. 3500 foot asphalt runway.