KMD-150 Data Card---PCMCIA Card
I just received a new updated data card from BendixKing.
Costs were:
card 199.00
shipping 15.00
tax 10.55
total 224.55

Little cheaper than a few years ago.
At least they are now available.

I didn't know they stopped them !!!

This reminds me, time to change the internal battery again :( That's English design for ya !!

I didn't know they stopped them !!!

I had seen several posts where the comments were "no longer available".
I am thinking maybe they paused the program while they re-thought it.
Hence the price reduction. Don't know for sure.
But I did order and received it.
Good Luck on the Battery. Been there, done that! Even did a Skyforce for a friend and that worked too....same battery.
I had seen several posts where the comments were "no longer available".
I am thinking maybe they paused the program while they re-thought it.
Hence the price reduction. Don't know for sure.
But I did order and received it.
Good Luck on the Battery. Been there, done that! Even did a Skyforce for a friend and that worked too....same battery.

Its a rebadged Skyforce anyway !!! I know someone out there at BK, I will check on the data card future
data card

Its a rebadged Skyforce anyway !!! I know someone out there at BK, I will check on the data card future

Note came with new card saying:
Expired Cards must be recycled.
Replacement Database Cards are not available.

might be clue to costs and lifespan...
I like to keep recent data card in case the current one fails I would have a backup to check unit with. Although I have never had a problem.
But with this note, I will be sure to send any extras in for sure.
This reminds me, time to change the internal battery again :( That's English design for ya !!

It's not just English design that uses such batteries - the Garmin GNS430/530 also have non-rechargeable memory batteries and the cost for replacement (by Garmin) is way higher than replacing one in a Skyforce unit