
Well Known Member
Effective immediately, access to the KITPLANES web site will be free of charge to our print subscribers. This access includes back issues and the aircraft directory--basically the entire site that was previously on its own subscription or pay-per-view program.

For non-subscribers, the pay-per-view option is still available, as is an electronic-only subscription--no printed copy--that has been reduced to $26.95 a year.

To get there, punch up:

You'll need your subscription account number from your mailing label to start the process.

I want to thank Doug for hosting a fabulous site and allowing me to post this information. [ed. No problemo, Marc. dr]

--Marc @ Kitplanes
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I should point out that for this electronic-only subscriber, at least, there is no longer much incentive to go electronic-only. By saving the PDF files to electronic media I could at least reduce shelf space - which I was willing to pay a premium to do. (Though I was never thrilled by the necessary low quality jpeg images used to keep the PDF file sizes manageable. Nor by the fact that each issue was split into multiple PDF files.)

By going to the cheaper print edition (which is actually less than the $49.95 I was paying per year!) I can now get something I can take to the toil..., er, reading room while still maintaining a full archive that doesn't threaten to consume my vanishing shelf space.
Right. The electronic version is $3 a year cheaper than the print/electronic combo now.

This is great!

Thanks for this change. Kitplanes has always been my most anticipated magazine. I look forward to seeing it each month. I never could understand why the online version was not made available to subscribers. Especially when there would be mention in the magazine articles about going to the website to check out this or that as it related to the story.

Giving me the opportunity to look at the articles online when I do not have the printed magazine available is a great convenience. :D
Really appriciate the change. This will renew my subscription for sure. Was thinking of dropping it since electronic only was no option and postal deliveries are 3months+ to Europe (!). Only magazine taking that long btw.
Now that's the deal I've been waiting for, 2yrs sub just submitted. Are they really going to make me wait 6 weeks or can they email my account number?

Very good step in the right direction. Good for the environment too. I'll probably subscribe again also.

Would still like to see a single pdf file with the magazine as released to the printer; but can't have everything.
tomcanard said:
Are they really going to make me wait 6 weeks or can they email my account number?

I honestly don't know. It was a much bigger thing to get the two databases to work together than anyone anticipated, and I expect there may be a glitch or two along the way.

I suggest you ping customer service and see what they say. PM me if you have trouble.

Thanks muchly!

Excellent, tanks Marc for the online access.

I just tested it, and it's great. (I went right to the 2 Checkoway Metal articles that I lack.)

Love the magazine.

(BTW, if I had any suggestions it would be to invite builders to submit photos of panels for the Completions feature. Maybe just show one or two if standouts.)

Regards all - - Tom in Sacramento
Thank you, Marc!! I had hoped that you guys would allow us paper customers access to the web. Certainly makes sense. Your's and EAA is all I get now.

Kitplanes: Impact on Me

Three years ago a copy of Kitplanes was delivered to my office by mistake. I was thinking about getting into flying again but the thought of flying a 25 year old Cessna turned me off. Anyway I read the misplaced magazine from cover to cover. I started researching it and was pleasantly surprised by the great designs and I eventually went to D. Checkoway's site. What a great resource with the content and running commentary. And I am not a blog person.

Fast forward three years and I am finishing up a RV 7a. So you might say Kitplanes was the reason my wife and kids are wondering if Daddy will every come out of the garage.

Steve Anderson
You just THINK it was delivered by mistake!

Congratulations on the project. Your family will forgive you. <grin>

Bummer, I am a print subscriber and I purchased the electronic version a month ago. :(

Oh well, it'll be good for the next go around.
Phil said:
Bummer, I am a print subscriber and I purchased the electronic version a month ago. :(

Oh well, it'll be good for the next go around.

Heh - I'm an electronic-version subscriber and with still a couple months to go on my subscription went ahead and put in a two year subscription to the print edition.