
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
It's time for a new Contest at Kitplanes - Your Homebuilt Aircraft Authority!

The next Best of... - Your homebuilt with a sunset

For our next "Best Of....", let's head to the artistic side of the homebuilt movement - the one where we get to enjoy our creations in the real world. Send us the best picture of your homebuilt aircraft with a Sunset - it might be over the mountains, sitting in a beautiful runway campground, or in front of a concrete jungle - airplanes and sunsets just go so well together! Fame, glory and a $25 Gift Card from Aircraft Spruce are on the line!

Just head on over to

To send in your photo. Our staff will sort through them, pick our favorite, and post the finalists for a community vote! Keep 'em coming folks - we enjoy looking at the entries.
Does multi plane count?
Does multi plane count?

Is it my imagination, or my screen, (or is it intentional), but do all those nav lights look like different colors??? Purple, etc. Only one looks red to me, and maybe two or three that are green?
For the Sunset award I think Kitplanes will need to decide whether they're running a best photo competition or a best photoshopped photo competition. ;)
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