Gregg Brightwell

Well Known Member
Hey all... How many of you have tried / are currently using the kitlog pro software? Likes / Gripes??

I need a better way that what I am using now. Is it hard to inport pictures? You CAN put a caption on a picture, right?

Thanks for all the Cheers and Jeers on the program....



Gregg J Brightwell
Independence, KS
RV-4 emp 'done' :)
Hey all... How many of you have tried / are currently using the kitlog pro software? Likes / Gripes??

I need a better way that what I am using now. Is it hard to inport pictures? You CAN put a caption on a picture, right?

Thanks for all the Cheers and Jeers on the program....



Gregg J Brightwell
Independence, KS
RV-4 emp 'done' :)

I dont use kitlog as I dont like the generic design that everyone has to stick with. I also think there is a limit as to how many pictures per post you can have. I looked around and tried a few different applications. I use Wordpress and like it alot. Very easy to get everything done in an orderly fashion.
I use Kitlog

I have used Kitlog and I like it. It does have its limitation, like only 3 pictures per entry. If I have a busy day and need to post more pictures then I post multiple entries for the same day. The web site hosting is free and works very well, just make and entry and hit the update button and your website is updated. I like the fact that the log in on a file on my computer that I can back up, I tied Expercraft but you have to log into the website to make updates.

One of the best features of Kitlog is when it come time for the inspection, you can print out a .PDF file that has the entire log with pictures or you can leave the pictures off. All in all an excellent product, you can make a better website with other software but the ease of entries and tracking of expenses is a winner for me.


I definitely like Kitlog. Not only does it keep my build log organized and searchable, it also keeps track of my expenses. After the plane is built, it will also track all maintenance, etc.
Great support

I started using KitLog Pro early on in my project, but stopped using it for log entries after I developed my own website. I still used the expenses part of the software for awhile, but have not added any expenses for several years. Last month I decided that I wanted to get my expenses info from Kitlog, but I could not open the program due to a password failure problem (new computer, new hard drive a few years ago). I sent an email late Friday evening requesting a new password, and I had a response when I opened my email on Saturday. What kind of business is open on Saturday? I was so impressed with the support that I upgraded to version 2.0 (only $10 to upgrade).

I think Kitlog is a really useful product for a newbie, mainly because it satisfies all of your needs for keeping track of your project, plus it gathers together all of the FAA regulations and forms needed by a builder. It is a great way to get started on a project, whether you decide to do your own website later, or not. For a person that does not want to mess with html, PHP, MySQL, etc, it is a good way to go.


Thanks guys....

Fellow -4 man Dennis B. had let me borrow his demo copy, and I liked the idea, just could not figure out how to import pics.

I do not wish to spend hours at a computer documenting everything if I don't have to. Those 'hours' need to be spent building. :D

However, if I can keep a descriptive, concise, log with images, and not have to spend too much time sitting here, then kitlog seems like a good choice.

Ordering the full version now...

Good Product!

I've used Kitlog since the beginning of my build, and am glad to have it! It may be limited in some areas, but it features quite a bit of good stuff, and it makes logging and posting your work online a snap. I have a demanding job and 3 kids under the age of 7, my time for building is already limited...I certainly don't have time to build and maintain a website - Kitlog does it for me!

The only problem I've had was when I moved the program and file to my new Windows Vista machine - that took some special massaging to get it working on Vista, but it now works fine.
Good product

I believe it is the easiest and most efficient of the logging programs. The only thing that drives me nuts are the 3 picture limit per entry and the small size of the picture expansion when viewed on the web. Otherwise, It is a good product and worth the cost. Print outs are great and the PDF capability is nice. As a tool for logging and the FAA it is superb, as a tool for others to look at the picture part has limitations. Good luck. CJ
Vans will not list your Kitlog site

I have been using Kitlog for over three years and it has been great. It is a snap to use and I can log my time very quickly. One drawback, however, is that Vans refuses to list you with the other builder web sites because Kitlog is a commercial venture and your individual Kitlog website has a link to allow you to access the home Kitlog website, where they will sell you their software. I argued with Vans, pointing out that they sell Kitlog software, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. I think that the Vans policy of freezing out Kitlog users is nonsensical, at best.
Work around

I have been using Kitlog for over three years and it has been great. It is a snap to use and I can log my time very quickly. One drawback, however, is that Vans refuses to list you with the other builder web sites because Kitlog is a commercial venture and your individual Kitlog website has a link to allow you to access the home Kitlog website, where they will sell you their software. I argued with Vans, pointing out that they sell Kitlog software, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. I think that the Vans policy of freezing out Kitlog users is nonsensical, at best.


Just set up a generic webpage via your ISP and have one entry that is a link to your Kitlog page, this way Van's will list you site and you don't have to do double entries. Just a thought. I did not know Van's even listed builder websites.

I started my project on Kitlog, then switched to Expercraft. They've got the 3 picture limitation per entry as well, but they allow full-size high resolution pictures and their data entry and upload process is super easy. I may eventually redo it on my own personal website, but for now Expercraft is simply way too easy not to use.
Don't drink and build is the link to my kit log, its ok for $30 and if you have zero knoladge of how to build a web page, or spell for that matter - also they pay the hosting for you so its not that bad, you can just add another section for more pics, i.e. rudder 1, rudder 2, . . rudder 45 and so on
I started my project on Kitlog, then switched to Expercraft.
I considered them but their Terms and Conditions really put me off:

With respect to any Content posted by or in connection with the Products and Services, you grant ExperCraft a world-wide, royalty free, perpetual, license to use, copy, transmit, publicly display, publicly perform, create compilations including, create derivative works of, and distribute such Content to publish and promote such Content in connection with the particular Products and Services and to publish and promote such Content elsewhere. Such license shall apply with respect to any form, media, or technology now known or later developed.
You acknowledge and agree that ExperCraft may terminate your access to any of the Products and Services should you fail to comply with the Terms and Conditions or any other guidelines and rules published by ExperCraft. Any such termination shall be in ExperCraft's sole discretion and may occur without prior notice, or any notice.
No way will I grant unlimited freedom to use my project anyway they like...or let them abruptly terminate my log which I need to get an airworthiness license!
$.15 spiral ring notebooks..

have worked for me through quite a few aircraft.
I bought Kitlog at the start of my project and had nothing but trouble. It keeps crashing on my windows XP machines. I reload the program and it will work fine for a week or so, then goes TU. I quit using it. I just put everything done in my 3 ring binder. I'm going to transfer this to a word document some day so my DAR can read it. When the program worked, I liked it.
Rick Maury
Tail Done
Wings 95%
Fuselege and Finishing Kits in the garage