
I'm New Here
I recently purchased this program to help me keep a record of my progress and steps in building my airplane.

In a comment I read that the Tech support for this program was very slow or non-existent. Well I am here to tell anyone who is considering this program that is a very untrue statement.

The builder or writer of the program does have on his answering machine the message that states it will be much faster to send a email.

In light of the above I have sent 3 emails and 2 were answered overnight and one took all of 2.5 hours to get my answer.

Each answer email was very helpful and answered my questions and gave guidance to prevent the problem recurring.

This was my experience as well. I believe the few negative posts have come from impatient people, who think Matt (Kitlog Owner) has an army of people working for him, which is almost never the case in aviation businesses.
kitlog pro works great for me. I have it on two computers and have moved it around on computers with no prolems. the data base is standard microsoft access, so it is easy to keep a backup. Now for mac users, I don't think it is for those machines.

This was my experience as well. I believe the few negative posts have come from impatient people, who think Matt (Kitlog Owner) has an army of people working for him, which is almost never the case in aviation businesses.

I'm not one of the impatient, as I've never needed customer service but service in a small company can vary widely from day to day.

A mom and pop business run off the desk in the living room can fluctuate wildly as to availability to answer questions or fix problems. If it is a problem he can't figure out immediately, who knows how long it could take for enough free time to present itself. Vacations, children, day job, all sorts of things can impact a one man shop. I've been there years ago and some customers rightfully loved me, while others were equally right in being frustrated. Typically those with easy problems were handled quickly while those with something off the beaten path took far longer to get figured out.
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You feelin okay, Bill?

I was just stating my opinion, which ironically, is very similar to yours (i.e. Kitlog IS a "mom-n-pop," so expectations should be set accordingly).

P.S. I know canopy work can be stressful, but geesh. :D The 8's looking good!
I was just stating my opinion, which ironically, is very similar to yours (i.e. Kitlog IS a "mom-n-pop," so expectations should be set accordingly).

P.S. I know canopy work can be stressful, but geesh. :D The 8's looking good!

Sometimes while using my thumbs to type on an iPhone, I fail miserably at not coming off grumpier than I feel. I owe you a beer and made a few changes to my last.

You are right though, that canopy frame was kicking my butt....in the end, with the help of a 5 foot 2x4... I won though. Now I'm cutting plexi every night....far more relaxing. How do you make a smilie for pulling your hair out? :confused::eek: Something like that.
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1st, apologize to the OP for drifting.

2nd, I'm with Mike. Bill, you sounded awfully testy there! :p

3rd, Bill, I spent a good hour reading through your build log. I like it because it answers questions on subjects I have no clue about, while also raising more. I'd say the KitLog Pro is working well for you! I was hoping to find the earlier stages of your fuse build because that is where I am...
1st, apologize to the OP for drifting.

2nd, I'm with Mike. Bill, you sounded awfully testy there! :p

3rd, Bill, I spent a good hour reading through your build log. I like it because it answers questions on subjects I have no clue about, while also raising more. I'd say the KitLog Pro is working well for you! I was hoping to find the earlier stages of your fuse build because that is where I am...

**** grumpy old Marines...sometimes I just hate 'em. :)

Unfortunately I didn't have any sort of log going on earlier and having bought my kit already started I can't take credit for all of the metal work anyway. Here are some of my favorites:


While kitlog is better than nothing, it can be quite irritating as well. Lock ups, fail to post, cropped text, small pics, lots of repetitive clicks....it just doesn't seem finished to me.
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While kitlog is better than nothing, it can be quite irritating as well. Lock ups, fail to post, cropped text, small pics, lots of repetitive clicks....it just doesn't seem finished to me.

Not all of these are the fault of kitlog. Some are how you have your browser setup. For example, you can fix the truncated text issue by changing the font and/or screen size. The easiest way to accomplish this is while holding the ctrl key, press the up or down arrow. You can also do the same if your mouse has a scroll wheel. This will change the font size. I've found it usually doesn't take much of a change to resolve the truncated text issue.

While I do agree that there are many things that kitlog could improve on, it does sound like Matt has resolved most of them in the upcoming release. If you don't know the history of kitlog or some of the issues Matt has experienced with the developer, I suggest that you search for them in the archives. Afterwards, you may cut him a little slack.
I agree that it works just fine. Never have had a problem with it running on my computer just as it came.

Working with other programs where it seems the designer was more interested in the bells and whistles than the core issue makes me appreciate a simple program.

Just wish he would incorporate a spl chexk! My typing skills have slipped badly and I never was a good speller .
Sometimes while using my thumbs to type on an iPhone, I fail miserably at not coming off grumpier than I feel. I owe you a beer and made a few changes to my last.

No problem, Bill, I'm a big boy. Besides, I know the feeling all too well, and I'm nowhere near doing the "hard stuff" yet. See ya round.
No Response

I want to start by saying that I have been happy with KitLog Pro up to now. In the past I have had some user set up problems and KitLog responded within a day. I did an upload on March 1st and March 8th 2014 with no problems. Then on March 9th I went to post to internet and did not change user name or password, the lines are already are pre-filled. I tried to add another upload and received a message ?sending data please wait?
Another box pops up ?Sync Results? with a message of ?Failed Authentication?. I tried it a couple of times and even re-booted both my internet connection and computer just in case. Still did not work. I then sent [email protected] a message explaining the problem. I have sent emails to Kit Log on March 9, 10 and 17th and have not heard anything back from them. I called them today and left a voicemail. I understand a little time delay in response but not 10 days and counting. :(
Same issue

Jerry, I had the same issue as you on about the same day. I tried again the following day and everything worked ok. I have seen this problem maybe 2 or 3 times over several years. Thought it was my old dinosaur computer, but since other builders have the same issue, maybe it's due to a bunch of builders uploading at the same time--dunno. Other than an occasional glitch, my kitlog has worked well--I'm happy with it.
Still No Response

I have tried up loading multipal times. I tried again before I wrote this with same failure result. Pretty much every day since March 5th. I have emailed [email protected] four(4) times called support one time and left a detailed message and emailed [email protected] I was able to upload on March 8th and the problem started on March 9th. I have been emailing and calling since. Left another email for them today. I like the program but their (lack of support) sucks. :mad: