
Well Known Member
I?ve been working with Matt Dralle over the last couple days on a problem that impacts us all. I am glad to report that he has fixed the problem in which paragraphs are run together. All you have to do is to save the offending pages again and re-upload them to mykitlog.com.

Matt was unaware of the issue, but promptly fixed the problem once I gave him the specifics of the issue. It appears that we?ve already benefited from Matronics purchasing Kitlog Pro. The previous owner was aware of this issue for several months and chose to do nothing.
Great support Matt!
Bad Paragraphs

Hi All
Can I just upload my kitlog again or do I have to re-write the paragraph?
The weight and balance part of my kitlog is messed up can you give us some more detail on how to repair the paragraphs?
That is awesome. I have worked with those guys beta testing their software. I brought up a few issues and they told me that some of their format is the way it is to minimize hackers messing with the pages. Good to hear that they are fixing some of the issues.
Email address for Matt?

rleffler said:
I?ve been working with Matt Dralle over the last couple days on a problem that impacts us all.

I reported a bug in the expense log back in January and got the following response. Do you have an email address for Matt? I'd like to find out the status of version 2.1


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Expense Log Entries
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 15:22:23 -0600
From: KitLog Pro Support <[email protected]>

Hang loose for a few days. Version 2.1 has a total expense log overhaul,
including the categories.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Joyce
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 7:47 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Expense Log Entries


I have a few entries in my Expense log that no longer have a category
assigned. ( I think I deleted the category without realizing I had used
it in the Expense Log.)

These entries are totaled on the Expense Log dialog and show up fine in
the different print options.

However, they do not have a line in the Expense Log dialog and therefore
can not be selected and edited!
I would have expected them to show up there when the filter was cleared.

Any idea how I can edit these entries so I can assign them a valid category?


All you need to do is make a minor mod to the page to trigger it to be uploaded for you next sync. All I did was to add a space at the end of the last paragraph.


Email to [email protected] now goes to Matt. I would recommend resubmitting your request. Although now the word is out, he may be soon overwhelmed with new requests.

Anyone heard any new of when the new version would be released?

It has supposedly been "coming soon" for a long time.
Kitlog with windows Vista

I upgraded to a computer that runs windows Vista operating system. I installed my kitlog program on the new computer. Matt was kind enough to supply me with a new user number to reactivate the program.

The problem is that when I try to import the data from my the kitlog program on my old computer I get a message that says something like "impossible to convert data".

Perhaps I am not doing it correctly. That is what happens when lawyers try to do IT stuff.
"Impossible to convert data"

tonyjohnson said:
I upgraded to a computer that runs windows Vista operating system. I installed my kitlog program on the new computer. Matt was kind enough to supply me with a new user number to reactivate the program.

The problem is that when I try to import the data from my the kitlog program on my old computer I get a message that says something like "impossible to convert data".

Perhaps I am not doing it correctly. That is what happens when lawyers try to do IT stuff.

I had the same problem a few months ago. After waiting two weeks for a return email, the solution had to do with exporting the file, then re-installing the software, then importing the file again (or something like that). I'm sorry I don't still have the tech support email, but I'm sure our new host (Matronics) will have an easy answer.