
Well Known Member
My software suddenly stopped working, indicating it needed to be re-registered. Probably due to a long period of inactivity on my part. I have been trying to work with Matt since December 13 to get the software re-registered. Both on my old computer and a new one I bought in January. Subsequently, I have been only interested in getting it re-registered on the new computer. However, responses from Matt have been a good week apart and up to 11 days. I am now sitting on day 6 waiting for the latest response. Furthermore, none of the responses resulted in a successful registration. When I tried calling Kitlog, the automated response indicated I would get better and quicker support via email.

I feel I have been patient, respectful and cooperative. For sure, I have been happy with the software up to this point (have been using it for 12 years). However, as you might tell from my post, I am getting frustrated. I am behind in my builder log by 2+ months due to the registration issues and am anticipating inspection in another 2 months.

Bottom line, and most important: Does anybody know if Matt is OK?

Is this typical of Kitlog support?

Anybody run into this issue and have potential solutions for me?
I would say this is typical, simply because he is one man and he probably fields tons of emails like this. My experience is that he has always been helpful and genuinely cared about helping me. Be patient. I haven't updated my web log in several months and I DON'T have issues. :D I'm just busy buildin' and livin'.

Considering Matt is still recovering from a major health event, I would suggest a little more patience is in order.


Considering Matt is still recovering from a major health event, I would suggest a little more patience is in order.



Thanks so much for the information! I was so hoping this was NOT the case! Hope his health is progressing without issues. No problem being patient.
I have similiar issues

Matt is just recovering I think and likely a little slow on the response side of things.

I called a few years ago and the help he gives is great.

I have the exact same issue with a new computer purchased and sent a note in several days ago.

I hope he is ok and if he is i am sure we will get our responses.

I recently upgraded to a new PC with Windows 10. I just went to their website and downloaded the current version and then entered my original Unlock Code and it worked. I then loaded my project from a backup on a flash drive.

Finishing the last 90%

I just started building on my RV 9 and using kit log pro. I haven't found any kind of instructions so maybe you guys can help me out. For some reason when I enter a picture it sometimes is rotated. I haven't been able to find any way to edit pics and rotate them.
Thank you,
I just started building on my RV 9 and using kit log pro. I haven't found any kind of instructions so maybe you guys can help me out. For some reason when I enter a picture it sometimes is rotated. I haven't been able to find any way to edit pics and rotate them.
Thank you,

I've had that issue as well; the program seems to prefer horizontal layouts. Sometimes making another copy with photoshop has prevented the problem, other times that hasn't worked. My copy of KitLog Pro is rather buggy... I have a bunch of minor issues. Every time I start it, it asks me if I want to make upgrades, but it will never do it when I try. It keeps thinking I'm offline even though I'm not, etc. My first upload of the day to my website works fine; subsequent uploads cue a bunch of weird "not responding" messages, yet the upload actually happens properly. Matt has helped me with some issues. I should probably delete my old version and upload a new one... but it still works, so I live with the remaining bugs.
My version of KitLog Pro v2.0 stopped working a couple of weeks ago after the latest Windows 10 update. It won't launch! I sent an email requesting tech support and haven't heard anything in response.

I have been using this program for over a year now and have ~1000 hrs of work logged, and the inability to access the program to continue my logging is very frustrating and worrying.

While I understand that a medical event can cause delays, I'm very frustrated with having paid to register a program that was advertised as being a reliable and superior way to log my building, and now finding that it is not being supported. If nothing else, the author should have someone responding to emails with an indication of when a response may be forthcoming.
Thanks so much for the information! I was so hoping this was NOT the case! Hope his health is progressing without issues. No problem being patient.

As a long time user of KitLog Pro I've been very pleased with the app, and in the past the tech support was excellent (in both expertise & reasonable timeliness). Since Matt's health event I can imagine that it's difficult to be that responsive, and benign neglect is a possibility. No ill will intended on his part but overwhelmed with even a few pressing demands. I've seen no definitive report of how he's doing, so I can only speculate.

With that in mind, please be aware that KitLog is; 1) a PC application, programmed years ago, 2) it has the ability to 'post' periodically to their website, to share with the world, and 3) the core value is the logging function (on the PC) for the purpose of tracking progress.

#3 is the core benefit, for the builder to log progress - for the FAA log requirements. It satisfies that requirement without #2 working, but still seems to need a little maintenance if the user re-installs on a new PC, or does a major in-place upgrade (e.g. Windows 10).

#1 is a problem because the code design was back in 2005-2006 time frame and probably WindowsXP, or early Windows7 operating systems. Windows10 introduced some 'compatibility mode' issues and [I'll have to find my notes to see what Matt instructed] but it worked flawlessly for me after that adjustment.

#2 presents some other possibilities because it's probably affected often by changes in such things as DSL modem changes, security settings on your PC, or changing your ISP (internet provider). Updates to Anti-virus software, and privacy or security settings can block the two-way communications with the website.

Don't know that these will solve your problems, and I'll dig through my notes and see what I did to address these issues. I do suggest that a little more public info on what fixes what can be helpful for the technically inclined. In particular the Compatibility Setting for Win10 was important. Changes to your PC for Firewall Settings are often required to allow a web site to handshake before uploading your data.

If it's working for you, then don't wait two years between uploads to the website. Keep the uploads consistent and periodic to reduce the massive data transfers from taking so long.

Lastly, I have extensively edited (cropped, enhanced, rotated, etc) my photos BEFORE bringing them into KitLog. Whatever form they are before importation is what you get. (Try editing, cropping or rotating, then re-import the same photo to improve it.) Once the photo is imported the original version is unimportant and untethered from the log version. If your photo library is moved, or deleted the log still has the photo.

HINT: The photo importation reduces the size of the photo 'data' --- if it didn't Matt would be adding gazillion megabytes of drives to store it all. There is no on-going fee for website maintenance, all the revenue is from the original license. BEAR in mind that means Matt is storing and maintaining a website to share the logs for years without further financial support. A lot of value for a modest fee ...

I've used it for 11 yrs, and 100's of photos on the web site, 1000's of entries. Back up your data, photos, and maintain your notes --- it's your log.

Will review my notes and see if I can post any pertinent gems from my experience with a couple of bugs.
I sent another email to Matt this afternoon, and this time I received a reply about 3 hours later. The email reply included instructions to remove .NET Framework 1.1 from my computer (a very very old version of Microsoft's .NET system), run a clean up program, and then run KitLog Pro again. Following his instructions my problem was solved within about 10 minutes!

And yes, I am running KitLog in Windows XP compatibility mode as administrator based on instructions received when I first installed the program.

I agree with Gary that the primary value of KitLog is maintaining the FAA required builders log, both for the FAA and also so I can remember what I did a few years from now for maintenance and modification purposes. However, I strongly urge users to utilize the posting to the web as a way to maintain an off-site backup of your log. That way should your computer be stolen, damaged, infected, etc. you will still have a copy of your log available online.

I also back up the kitlog.mdb data file (which is typically located in the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Aeroware\KitLog Pro v2.0) to a family network drive. This will allow me to install the program on a replacement computer and then copy the file with all my data and recover easily. (I don't think you can do a local recovery from the kitlog website back to your personal computer - you would have to re-type all the data without a current copy of the kitlog.mdb file) I have heard stories of builders who lost all of their build photos and logs due to computer problems, and as a result had a very difficult time getting their airworthiness certificate as they couldn't prove they build the aircraft.
Of course, you should be backing up all your personal files on your computer regularly, not just kitlog.mdb.

Thanks again to Matt Dralle for his continued support and maintenance of this logging program for the Experimental Community.
Windows 10 upgrade rendered Kitlog Pro incompatible

A few days ago, my computer went through a massive Windows 10 upgrade... again... automatically and not of my choosing... but that's the way Microsoft operates now. When I tried to log on I get an error message saying "Setup Error: Failed to load resources from resource file. Please check your setup." I ran compatibility tests and no matter which compatibility I try to run, the program won't open at all now. I'm about to email Matt and see what he says, but checking to see if the latest upgrade rendered the program completely uncompatible now. Any other suggestions in addition to the ones already noted in this thread will be greatly appreciated.
That's the same problem that I had. Here were the instructions that Matt provided that fixed my issues:

Try this:

1) Use Windows 10 Apps & Features to Uninstall the .NET1.1 installation.

2) Reboot your computer.

3) Download this .NET deep cleaning utility. Be sure to select the ".NET Framework 1.1" option pull down under "Product to cleanup".

4) Reboot your computer.

5) Start Kitlog.

6) If/when prompted to download and install .NET 3.5 (2.0): Accept and let it do the install.

7) Successfully start Kitlog now.

Hope it works as well for you as it did for me.
Thank you Dave! I'll try it later today... as soon as I get these alligators below my butt and finish herding these cats and rounding up these rattlesnakes...
After today's painting escapades wound down, I checked my email and found a reply from Matt Dralle, and of course the instructions were exactly the same as he had given Dave. The good news is that it worked perfectly, the first time, and all my information is intact. My kudos to Matt Dralle and to the customer service he provides for all of us KitLog Pro users. It is such a huge relief to have that program up and running again. I only hope that having to cope with these Windows 10 issues isn't adversely affecting his health... or his sanity. I'd like him to live a long and happy life.
my user ID

Hello All Kit Log and builder friends!
After reading all these posts I see replys are not rapid. I have signed up and activated my kit log but for some reason my user ID is not correct. Because of this it is not giving me the correct URL. I need to give my URL to my local flying club but want to make sure it is corrected before I do this.

I have emailed the support and info kit log email addresses and have no heard back. Its been a few days so I guess I will give a little more time.


Any informaton will help
Hello All Kit Log and builder friends!
After reading all these posts I see replys are not rapid. I have signed up and activated my kit log but for some reason my user ID is not correct. Because of this it is not giving me the correct URL. I need to give my URL to my local flying club but want to make sure it is corrected before I do this.

I have emailed the support and info kit log email addresses and have no heard back. Its been a few days so I guess I will give a little more time.


Any informaton will help

I had numerous issues with kitlog pro. Beware if you are using an epson printer driver and then try to create reports in kitlog…they don’t play together at all. I had to uninstall the print drivers to get kitlog to do reports. Another limitation is three pictures per page. It would be nice if other reports could be done, such as a vendor list.

In the end, it worked but at times, it was very frustrating.
I am not really sure if I should start a new discussion or add to this one.

I was purchasing some items from Van's and saw that they had inventory of the Kitlog Pro CDs. I had been thinking about picking up a copy so thought I would help Van's with some of their inventory issues and ordered it.

Unfortunately I can not get it to load on my Windows 10 PC. I have tried everything that I can find online to get it to load including deleting the dotnet file and using the clean up utility and even downloaded the software off the web page instead of using what was on the disc. No joy.

It appears that most people have had difficulty when upgrading to Windows 10 when they already had the software installed. In my case, I can not get it to install. Every time I try I get an error message that says Kitlog Pro v2.0 Setup has failed. If the problem persists, please contact product support. I have had no response from product support so thought that I would ask here.

Matt is a good guy and I am sure he is trying, but it's a one man show. Hopefully he will reply soon.

However, since you're just getting started, you might try EAA Builder's Log.

There are a multitude of methods to log from check marks and dates in the manual to Google Blogger. My preference but it does take some management. Fee free to browse mine if you like. Link in signature below.

I am not really sure if I should start a new discussion or add to this one.

I was purchasing some items from Van's and saw that they had inventory of the Kitlog Pro CDs. I had been thinking about picking up a copy so thought I would help Van's with some of their inventory issues and ordered it.

Unfortunately I can not get it to load on my Windows 10 PC. I have tried everything that I can find online to get it to load including deleting the dotnet file and using the clean up utility and even downloaded the software off the web page instead of using what was on the disc. No joy.

It appears that most people have had difficulty when upgrading to Windows 10 when they already had the software installed. In my case, I can not get it to install. Every time I try I get an error message that says Kitlog Pro v2.0 Setup has failed. If the problem persists, please contact product support. I have had no response from product support so thought that I would ask here.

Try running the setup as an administrator…
This is what Matt sent me once.

Download this 80MB file from kitlog.

I can't load a pdf file from Matt to here so contact me
at weneng1 at gmail dot com and i can send you the file he sent me.

I've been using Kitlog forever. Matt doesn't always respond quickly, but he does respond. I'm waiting to have him delete a duplicate page on my website. He'll get it done.
Download this 80MB file from kitlog.

I can't load a pdf file from Matt to here so contact me
at weneng1 at gmail dot com and i can send you the file he sent me.

I've been using Kitlog forever. Matt doesn't always respond quickly, but he does respond. I'm waiting to have him delete a duplicate page on my website. He'll get it done.

Thank you, I sent you an email.
