
Well Known Member
anyone have this happen to them. i purchased kitlog pro in attempt to start re-entering my hand written build notes and pictures only to find that i paid 49.95 for the disk and then the web site will not allow access until i give them (kitlog) another 49.95. i have e mail them and only got sorry you shouldnt have to pay twice but i have found no way around it. please tell me they are a good source of documentation, i dont want to scrap them but im redy to put their disks in my clay pigeon thrower and go my own way... billythekid. its hard enough to build and then have this circus to be part of.:mad::mad::mad::(:(:(:(
It is a great system, I have used it for 4 or 5 years now. That said, it is a strange to me system, and I had some trouble with it a couple of times, but Matt Draille will get it back up and running, no matter how stupid I am. Just email him and he will get it straightened out, no problem.
I love it since it is SO EASY and quick to make a new days entry, even when you are so tired all you want is to go to bed and forget about it.
Has anyone heard how Matt Draille is doing? I believe I read on VAF that he had a stroke a while back. Anyone heard from him?

I've been using kitlog since 2007. Works great. Found them very easy to work with both before he sold it and after. Call them again tomorrow. Also when you set up your categories, don't delete them.
That is frustrating. I haven't had any issues with Kitlog Pro and have been using it for the last 5 years. Whenever I hear of people having problems, it's usually not too long before they get help and it gets sorted out. Be patient and persistent.