I can not update my website via kitlog pro. It keeps crashing during the "sending data" phase. I've emailed them a couple of times over the past week and have not received a reply. Has anyone heard of there being a problems with their site or support.
No problems but...

I haven't been having any problems recently, but back when it was with the other guy I had some issues the same as yours; wouldn't upload. Long story short; the actual programmer of kitlog insisted that the problem was my end [it was] but was wrong about the specific details. After getting down and dirty with some registry monitoring tools I was able to correct the programmer as to how his own program works. I fixed my problem, but have no idea whether they wrote a 'fix' for how it occurred in the first place. I won't go into the details since my issue likely wouldn't affect most home users. Unless you use a proxy server and recently changed it that is!

What was my point again? Oh yes, if you post more specific details of your problem then maybe, just maybe, someone here might have seen it before or be able to help you work it out. There's some clever guys on these forums...
Had the Same Problem

Hi Paul,

I had the same problem last year and emailed Matt-Kitlog. I copied his response below for you. Maybe these files will help. Unfortunately, they did not help my case. I asked Matt to delete my file and I would start over, which he did, but still have not had any luck. I don't know if it is because of my file size (10+ MB) or not, but I have pretty much given up on uploading my log.

I haven't had any problem updating my program and keeping it on my computer, which is the primary reason for using the program for me.

Hope this helps.

Gary Baker
RV-6 Fuse
VAF #737
Medina, OH

"From Matt Dralle-Kitlog Pro:

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time with the uploads. Couple of things for you to try.

First, try downloading this utility and running it. This will completely resync your online database with your local one. This might just make everything sync up and start working right from then on.


If that doesn't seem to help, you can try downloading and running this script, which will check your kitlog installation and fixup any thing that isn't setup right.


Let me know how it goes and what you did.

Best regards,

Matt Dralle
Matronics / Kitlog"
No upload problems, but I emailed some suggestions and it was over a week until I got a response.
Thanks for the replies. I tried the utilities that Matt supplied but it did not work. I installed Kitlog on another system and it uploaded fine. I'll stick with that unless they come up with another idea when they get back to me.

Thanks again for the help.