
Well Known Member
Has anyone heard any recent news about KitLogPro? I mean recent, as of this year? I've read other older threads here, but I'm looking for news.
After trying out their freeware for a few days, I made the leap of faith and purchased the download in April 2015. Aside from an error screen on startup that is easly bypassed, the program seemed to run fine until this evening. I received my RV-8 empennage kit today, and after unpacking and inventory, I made my first construction log entry on KitLog Pro. I couldn't figure out how to upload photos, so I clicked help, and was told help was unavailable... literally. I checked for upgrades (I'm using v2.0) and there is one available... but when I try to upgrade, I get an "access denied" error message. The program seems to think I'm offline... even though I'm not. Sent an Email to [email protected], but after all the online research I've done since then, I'm not feeling very hopeful... even though they took my $49.95 fast enough. Any input would be appreciated.
I was never impressed with either the customer service or the program personally. It works, but it's clunky and amateurish. Didn't someone come up with an Apple app that allows you to input as easily as I'm typing this on my iPhone and snap pics the same way? If not.....why not?
My experience has been good

Martin, I'm away from my windows PC so I can't answer all your questions here, but to start, you don't really upload photos by themselves. You are working locally on your PC in Kitlog and when you select photo 1, for example, you are selecting it from your local hard drive to attach to that Kitlog page. You repeat that for picture 2 and 3. Your narrative gets typed into the available text area and you save that. What you now have us a database file on your windows PC. You then select post to the Internet and after entering your name and password, it is finally posted to the Internet for all to see..... I have been using it for over 5 years and it works fine. It's not clunky. I would also point out over 1000 builders are using it today. Matt Draile owns the program and while I think the customer service could be better, you won't be using customer service hardly ever once you are up and running. He has several ways to fix the things you mention.
I understand that I'm working locally with KitLog. I just played with it some more, and I did finally figure out how to insert the pictures. The help menu is still unavailable, and no word from Matt yet... but I can get by for now. Thanks for your suggestions
Good News. I heard from Matt Dralle today, and he sent detailed instructions on how to debug my KitLog Pro. I was surprised to get such a quick response. Good News Indeed. I will post when the fix is implemented... but just hearing from Matt makes me a happy customer.
This is a common thread..

..It seems to always start off like this. I too had issues at first, but Matt helped me through them, and Kitlog has been going strong for me so far for 4 years, 3 computers and 2 OS changes. I am happy with it, even if there are flashier softwares available. It's simple, easy to use (once you get setup), it allows multiple projects, it allows seemingly unlimited entries and it's stored on my computer, so less likely to lose everything. I can print hardcopies, back it up and move it to other computers at will. I for one, recommend it as a build log, but then again, it's all I know.
I was never impressed with either the customer service or the program personally. It works, but it's clunky and amateurish. Didn't someone come up with an Apple app that allows you to input as easily as I'm typing this on my iPhone and snap pics the same way? If not.....why not?

I'm thinking about taking on this very project. Who all would use such an app? What features should it have?

I'm thinking about taking on this very project. Who all would use such an app? What features should it have?

One feature always bugged me about builder's kitlog blogs. They seem to only be set up by date. A lot of building jumps from one component to another. Finding an important step takes surfing through date postings till you find it. Of course I understand the log is for the builder and not the visitor. That was one reason why I chose Excel and Google Blogger. I can change the layout any time I want.

One area of kit log that would be a huge improvement is a search mechanism where I can filter out the aircraft type, and then type in a search word for what I am looking for....

Is it possible Matt? Would make it much more functional for builders looking for help.

One feature always bugged me about builder's kitlog blogs. They seem to only be set up by date. A lot of building jumps from one component to another. Finding an important step takes surfing through date postings till you find it. Of course I understand the log is for the builder and not the visitor. That was one reason why I chose Excel and Google Blogger. I can change the layout any time I want.

Not entirely true. The log can be arranged by topic, but the builder has to create the topics and associate the log with that topic.
OSX or iOS


I'm very interested in an OSX or iOS version of a Builder's Log. Keep me posted.

Things I'd want in a computer based log:
  • Cross-platform. With all the cross-platform development tools available, there is really no reason to stick to a sole platform anymore (Listening, Garmin? Where's the Windows or Linux version of Pilot?)
  • Can save /local/Cloud/both.
  • More than three images per entry. Better still to integrate images and text.
  • Can specify order of multiple daily entries. (Kitlog seems to go in reverse of when it was entered ... sometimes).
  • Allow attachments to entries, such as PDF manuals or bills, or other documents.
  • Allow a list of parts. So that I can find the entry where I used R10XX, for example.
  • An equipment list. Not just airframe/engine/prop but so you can keep model/serial info on your avionics, too, without having to bury the info in a log entry.

I'm sure I could think of more. And I like many of the features of Kitlog, such as categories, manual reference (though expand the field - some days I cover a lot of manual), and assistants.
MS Onenote

MS One Note will do all that is listed in post 12 above. And it is free...
MS One Note will do all that is listed in post 12 above. And it is free...

I see the ability to see other's work as a key function. How many hours are folks scanning the blogs and websites of others to get that one angle-drill then back-rivet picture?
I see the ability to see other's work as a key function. How many hours are folks scanning the blogs and websites of others to get that one angle-drill then back-rivet picture?

Based upon the number of emails I receive asking questions from photos on mykitlog.com site, quite a bit more that you would think.


Based upon the number of emails I receive asking questions from photos on mykitlog.com site, quite a bit more that you would think.


Me three but judging from page views (10,000 last year) maybe they are getting the disinformaton they want or don't need.:D
Most of the time I'm pretty lost.