
Well Known Member
I have been using Kitlog Pro since the start of my project. I recently clicked the update button for the kitlog program and now I am unable to post to the internet. I have contacted kitlog support but apparently he only looks at the helpline on the weekends and I have only been able to exchange a couple of emails over the past 3 weeks--none of which have been any help resolving my problem. I have also left messages on the phone line with no callbacks.
Has anyone run into this that may offer a solution?? I am getting pretty frustrated with this Kitlog software!!
Proxy server

I have, and it was because I changed my proxy server. Kitlog support were unable to help me. After some careful digging I was able to tell them how their software worked, which was completly different to what they were telling me. What is the exact nature of the error?
I'm at work at the moment and I can't give any details of my issue until I get home and look through my email archives.
I also have problems with the software. I got a new computer (with Vista) and the program is no worky now. Got a few emails from someone from kitlog but no joy. I stoped using it. Would like to get it to work again. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Something to try...

Try temporarily disabling your windows firewall. Go to Control Panel, Securty, click "Turn Windows Firewall On or Off", and turn it off. Try posting to the web. If it works, then you probably need to add an exception in your firewall rules. When you're finished testing, don't forget to turn the firewall back on.

If you're using malware protection like Norton or McAffee, they usually come with their own firewall and you may have to go in and play with those settings.

I've been trying for a few hours to pinpoint the problem and I've made progress. It seems that since the update, when posting to the internet now it resends the entire database each time. (I'm no computer wiz, but that's what I'm guessing) It used to take maybe 15-20 seconds to successfully post to the internet. Now it will post but it takes 7-8 minutes!! If during that time I try to stop the program, it will not respond and I would have to close the program using the task manager which says the program is not responding. I found all this by saving my previous database and deleting the entire progrm from my computer. I then reloaded the program and made a single entry. It posted with no delay. The more I would add to the log, the longer it would take. Once I loaded the database back into the program (about 8 months worth of entries) it wound up taking 7-8 minutes for it to post to the internet. It appears the program is locked up during this time but it is doing it's thing --albeit very slowly. I then added a single entry to the entire log file and reposted to the internet. It took about 7.5 minutes again when I just made 1 additional entry.
So, I guess it is working after all. It just takes a very long time now when I was used to a 15-20 second time frame .
Thanks for all the suggestions and I will let Kitlog support know my findings if I hear from them again.
Yuck. They should try and keep track of which log entries have changes. Or at least allow publishing over a background thread.
I also have problems with the software. I got a new computer (with Vista) and the program is no worky now. Got a few emails from someone from kitlog but no joy. I stoped using it. Would like to get it to work again. Any guidance would be appreciated.

Hope this helps...

From the Kit Log site, the program does not run in Vista.

"Please note that due to the enhanced reporting capability of KitLog Pro v2.0, you must be running Windows 2000 or XP. KitLog Pro v2.0 is not available for Windows 95, 98 or ME users."

Hope this helps...

From the Kit Log site, the program does not run in Vista.

"Please note that due to the enhanced reporting capability of KitLog Pro v2.0, you must be running Windows 2000 or XP. KitLog Pro v2.0 is not available for Windows 95, 98 or ME users."

If this is the case, you may be able to run KitLog Pro in Windows 7 by using the virtual "XP Mode". More details:


I'm getting to the starting point on my project and have been investigating build logs. I guess KitLog is out.

FYI: I've been using Windows 7 RC for several weeks now and really like it.

Kitlog runs OK in Vista for me.

I have been using it in Vista. It performs normal. I also use it on an XP laptop and it works fine there too.

Hope this helps...

From the Kit Log site, the program does not run in Vista.

"Please note that due to the enhanced reporting capability of KitLog Pro v2.0, you must be running Windows 2000 or XP. KitLog Pro v2.0 is not available for Windows 95, 98 or ME users."

Hmmm........ From the Kitlog FAQ:

Q. What are the computer system requirements for Kitlog Pro?
A. Kitlog Pro requires Windows 2.x, or Vista to run and a minimum screen resolution of 800x600, although 1024x768 or greater is highly recommended. A broadband connection to the Internet is also highly recommended. (Kitlog Pro 2.x is not supported by Windows 95/98/ME or NT.)

The text you took out of context on the download page is old text that hasn't been updated to include Vista.

Vista works just fine. I have no relationship with Matt other than being a happy customer, I worked with him testing Vista when it was released. Initially there were problems with Vista 64bit, but I have been given the impression from Matt that he's resolved those issues.

The Vista Firewall shouldn't be an issue. Mine is enabled. Proxy servers tend to be problematic with many applications. I have no knowledge of specific issues between Kitlog and any proxy server. However, based upon my other experience, I would be to try to take the proxy server out of the equation.

Matt did supply some dlls and exes to me during the test back in 2007 to get Vista to work. I am not going to redistribute this code, since I'm sure that Matt has more current code available. My recommendation would be to get a current set of code from Matt. My recommendation would be to ensure you are using the newest code available. I believe that you can get it here. You will need your serial number to enable this.

I know when something isn't working right it gets frustrating. It may take Matt awhile to resolve a problem, but he usually does.

It seems that since the update, when posting to the internet now it resends the entire database each time.

It may want to update the whole version if the database has changed. But after an initital re-sync back up to date it should be fine. My one, running on Vista, syncs quickly enough (seconds for simple txt, a minute or two if I have pictures).
Proxy server issues

Proxy servers tend to be problematic with many applications. I have no knowledge of specific issues between Kitlog and any proxy server. However, based upon my other experience, I would be to try to take the proxy server out of the equation.

Having a proxy server doesn't appear to be an issue as long as it doesn't require autentication, since Kitlog has no interface for entering proxy credentials. What is an issue is if your proxy server details change in either IP address, server name or port. Its all to do with where Kitlog looks in the registry for this information.

In short, it looks in the machine default location and not in the user registry area (sorry, I'm trying to dumb things down a little for those who are not geeks). If you have a proxy server of server1 when you first build the machine that's what Kitlog uses. If later on your proxy server becomes server2, even though you update the settings when you are logged on and Internet Explorer and other programs work fine, Kitlog still uses the original settings and promptly stops uploading to the Internet. Took me a while to find the exact settings and the annoying thing is you can't simply go and change the original settings to the new server; you need to export a working setting and then re-import it onto your machine. Pain in the proverbial for a couple of weeks that was. I did work with Kitlog support and advise them of exactly how their program was working (since they didn't seem to know; even the original developer, th dude that wrote it didn't know!). No idea if they modified the code to fix the issue.

If you need to know the specific registry settings, PM me and I'll see if I can dig 'em out of my archives. At least you can check and rule out that possibility.
you are right-

Todays log post went as advertised. Only 15-20 seconds just like it used to be. It seems strange that it aparently sent the entire database several times before settling down. I'll be happy if it continues to work as it did today. I love the program when it's working properly---sure makes keeping the log easy. (at least for me!!) Sure can't say much for the tech support though.
Now back to banging a few rivets---
KitLog problems

I have been using Kitlog Pro since the start of my project. I recently clicked the update button for the kitlog program and now I am unable to post to the internet. I have contacted kitlog support but apparently he only looks at the helpline on the weekends and I have only been able to exchange a couple of emails over the past 3 weeks--none of which have been any help resolving my problem. I have also left messages on the phone line with no callbacks.
Has anyone run into this that may offer a solution?? I am getting pretty frustrated with this Kitlog software!!

I have experienced the same problems. Support from KitLog is poor at best. I have never been able to "Upload to the Website."
I have explained this in 7 emails to KitLog...over an 8 day period.
They told me two times to "make sure my user name and password were correct and case sensitive. I keep telling them I can log in.....but I cant upload because it keeps telling me that it "CANNOT AUTHINTICATE" They changed my user name and password and now I have been turned into John (Jack) Clark from Pensicola Fl. John, I guess I have your password....ha. Let me make a little test change....huh? I am Jack Clark from Trenton GA.

I will just **** away the $50 I spent on the Kit Log CD and hours of work on the Kit Log construction site and do it all again on another site. I cant take any more of the frustation created by dealing with Kit Log. Can anyone recommend a site/program to log construction progress????
kitlog problems

I bought another computer, cannot open on new system. Absolutely no help after emails and phone calls to kitlog over several months. 5 1/2 years of logging wasted, unable to open
For a 2 month period I sent emails and received a few back. I was never able to get kitlog working with my new computer OS. The last email I sent them I asked them to please delete my website. They did. I had over 3 years of logs.
Same Issue

I have been running kitlog with a Windows XP operating system. I got a new computer with Windows 7 on it. I installed kitlog and it worked for about a month. Then Windows came out with an update which I installed. Kitlog would not work after that. :mad: I un-installed kitlog and re-installed, but it still wouldn't work. I believe the problem is related to Microsoft .net Framework, but I can't pin it down. So, I'm using my old computer with Windows XP to maintain kitlog. Bit of an inconvience, but not sure where to go at this point. Surely there must be some computer guys on this site that can offer suggestions.

emp done (less glass)
Waiting on QB kit delivery
I got an answer from Matt

in just a few days:

-----Original Message-----
From: Kitlog Pro Support [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 10:54 AM
To: Robert Marshall
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Windows 7/64bit Kitlog?

Hi Bob,

The current version, Kitlog 2.0, supports Windows 7/64 bit.

Matt Dralle
Matronics / Kitlog Pro

At 03:07 PM 10/28/2010 Thursday, you wrote:
>any chance you will be introducing a compatible program for Windows 7/64 bit?
>Bob Marshall

Matt Dralle
Matronics / Kitlog Pro Support

Technical Support | Kitlog | 581 Jeannie Way | Livermore | CA | 94551
925-606-1001 V | 925-606-6281 F | [email protected] Email http://www.kitlog.com WWW | Aircraft Construction Log Applications

Maybe Matt is too busy flying his new RV8 to maintain Kitlog properly?
By the way, I have kitlog up and running on my new (one month) Windows 7/64 bit--sure hope it stays that way.
Kitlog works on both Vista and Windows 7

I too had an initial problem running Kitlog with Windows 7. I did get it working after a response from Matt. I just can't remember what I had to do to make it work. I'm at work now but I'll check my emails when I get home to see if I saved the fix. Besides working in Windows 7, I have it working in Vista, both on Apple computers.

John (Jack) Clark

In business, this is usually where someone jumps in with a better mousetrap...especailly when someone has a captive audience. Kitlog is not rocket science and there is apparently a market. Its hard to understand why people duplicate apps all day long but skip out on opportunities like this. Surely someone knows a website developer. (and while you're at it, tell him to do one in MAC too! thanks!)
Got mine working!

Duh, not sure why I didn't think of this sooner. My kitlog works fine on two different computers running Windows XP, however, I had problems using it on Windows 7 computer (worked at first, then quit after a Microsoft update). After much gnashing of teeth and choice words, I just about gave up. Today, I had a revelation. On the Windows 7 computer, I selected to run Kitlog in Windows XP compatibility mode--NOW IT WORKS! :D:D

(and while you're at it, tell him to do one in MAC too! thanks!)

I second the Mac version.

I contacted KitLog Pro about the Mac version and the reply was-

"A Mac-specific version of Kitlog is currently not on the roadmap. That being said, you can run the Windows version of Kitlog Pro on a Mac with utilities such as Bootcamp, etc".

If I wanted to run windows I wouldn't of purchased a Mac......

in just a few days:
Matt Dralle
Matronics / Kitlog Pro Support

Technical Support | Kitlog | 581 Jeannie Way | Livermore | CA | 94551
925-606-1001 V | 925-606-6281 F | [email protected] Email http://www.kitlog.com WWW | Aircraft Construction Log Applications

Maybe Matt is too busy flying his new RV8 to maintain Kitlog properly?
By the way, I have kitlog up and running on my new (one month) Windows 7/64 bit--sure hope it stays that way.

Just wanted to chime in here with something positive about Kitlog's support. I had somehow messed up my XP registries which prevented Kitlog from running on my machine and received one-day turnaround instructions on how to correct it. That was good service in my book and I'm thankful for Matt Dralle's quick response on a Sunday, no less!
By the way, I have kitlog up and running on my new (one month) Windows 7/64 bit--sure hope it stays that way.

I just upgraded to a new computer running Windows 7/64 bit. No joy with kitlog... :confused:
Was there any trick to the install when you did it?

Well, I uninstalled and reinstalled but this time I right clicked on the installation program and "ran as administrator" and all is working now.
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I second the Mac version.

I contacted KitLog Pro about the Mac version and the reply was-

"A Mac-specific version of Kitlog is currently not on the roadmap. That being said, you can run the Windows version of Kitlog Pro on a Mac with utilities such as Bootcamp, etc".

If I wanted to run windows I wouldn't of purchased a Mac......


If all you need is a place to log things, I put together a database in Bento in about an hour which I use for my build log. Syncs to Bento on my iPad and iPhone so I can do updates or have the whole thing with me when away from computer. Also very easy to take and add photos with a log entry using the phone, and the next iPad should have a camera so it will work like a digital clipboard out in the shop.

I didn't personally want to have a build site so this works very well for me. If you want to auto-post online then this isn't an option, of course. But if you just want the log, take a look at Bento on the Mac or iOS device. Very easy to get going. (I actually also included a linked cost tracking table but decided that was a bad idea and have never used it :rolleyes: )
If anybody is interested in an alternative to Kitlog Pro, PM me. I have been thinking about building something, and if there is a some interest, I will do it. Please, PM's only.
I second the Mac version.

I contacted KitLog Pro about the Mac version and the reply was-

"A Mac-specific version of Kitlog is currently not on the roadmap. That being said, you can run the Windows version of Kitlog Pro on a Mac with utilities such as Bootcamp, etc".

If I wanted to run windows I wouldn't of purchased a Mac......


Expercraft runs great on MAC.
Faint but overdue praise

I just upgraded to a new computer running Windows 7/64 bit. No joy with kitlog... :confused:
Was there any trick to the install when you did it?

Well, I uninstalled and reinstalled but this time I right clicked on the installation program and "ran as administrator" and all is working now.

Even long-time geeks have problems when MS releases a 'grand galactic upgrade to make everything perfect' OS. Of course, there is no money in having an OS that just 'works' --- and WinXPP has been the most stable of all the MS OS's in my career. After about 30 yrs ranging from programmer to systems analyst and network engineer, there are still glitches that can get my blood boiling and my head banging against the wall. This 'run as administrator' issue got me the first time I installed an app on Vista.

But I digress ... KitLogPro has been my choice from day one, and worked flawlessly in WinXPP on the same PC for almost 5 yrs now. I started posting to the Internet site about 2 yrs ago, reluctantly. It was a good builder log app and I didn't think posting my progress was of particular interest to others. (Probably still is of little value, but even bad examples can sometimes help others.)

Writing and maintaining a commercially available application is a tremendous commitment and my hat's off to anyone who chooses to do so in such a limited market as Experimental A/C logs. Making that program compatible with every whim of MS, is a thankless challenge. Anyone who dares to do it is consumed by more dedication to their customers than desire to get rich. Without on-going revenue for patches, updates, upgrades, and support, there is little reward but the praise of end-users. So here's my payment --- I like it, and recommend it to others.

RV-6A (Finishing Kit) Tip-Up
O-360-J2A with F/I - fixed pitch
N234GB (reserved)
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Thanks Matt for the support.....

I had an issue with my hard drive and struggled to get Kitlog reloaded. Matt sent me instructions promptly and I was up and running again. Great support. Thanks.
Me Too

I have been using Kitlog Pro since the start of my project. I recently clicked the update button for the kitlog program and now I am unable to post to the internet. I have contacted kitlog support but apparently he only looks at the helpline on the weekends and I have only been able to exchange a couple of emails over the past 3 weeks--none of which have been any help resolving my problem. I have also left messages on the phone line with no callbacks.
Has anyone run into this that may offer a solution?? I am getting pretty frustrated with this Kitlog software!!
I too have been using Kitlog for several years without a hitch, tonight I happened to click on the file tab for no particular reason, saw the "check for updates" item, clicked it and downloaded an update. Now I can't post to the net either. Tried leaving it for several minutes, and nothing. Rebooted and tried again, still nothing. Just get the "program not responding" thing. Maybe I just didn't wait long enough, I'll try again and repost if it works.
BTW, I am using XP also, no plans to upgrade, XP just works too good.
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I too have been using Kitlog for several years without a hitch, tonight I happened to click on the file tab for no particular reason, saw the "check for updates" item, clicked it and downloaded an update. Now I can't post to the net either. Tried leaving it for several minutes, and nothing. Rebooted and tried again, still nothing. Just get the "program not responding" thing. Maybe I just didn't wait long enough, I'll try again and repost if it works.
BTW, I am using XP also, no plans to upgrade, XP just works too good.

Tried again, and the computer froze after a few minutes, might have had something to do with the screen saver coming on, but after about 16 minutes, the Success! thing flagged and the computer came alive again. Hopefully that time lag will shorten up after a few sessions, apparently after the upgrade it had to load the whole thing again. Just a guess, I'm not a super geek.
I have waited 5 minutes or so....

I don't know what causes the delay and it doesn't happen all the time, but it always finishes, so be patient. I think you are correct that your whole file was being retransmitted and that can take some time. I notice that when I make a minor typographical change and resubmit, it usually goes quickly.