It appears the bill sponsor considers art more important than submarines, aircraft or sports equipment.:confused::confused::confused:
Seems to me

That we need to be figuring out what we as a country can afford as far as higher ed goes at least.

Science and technology are the only degrees that count when it comes to competing with the Chinese..So lets drop all liberal arts programs first, rather than simply cutting off any innovation in our existing comapanies ..I certainly won't be buying anything luxury with tax applied to it.

It's more than just the kits that it will impact...

Any electronics over $1000 --- EFIS, GPS, autopilots .. you name it. I suspect that was added to go after the so-called "environmentally-unfriendly" large screen tv's. Little thought given to what it would really impact ... like laptops etc etc.
I'm confused. Since this is a "luxury tax" and not a "sales tax", would this tax be paid by persons in other states? In other words, would Van's have to charge all of it's customers for this "luxury tax"?

I will withhold political comment on the propensity for state governments to raise taxes during the largest economic downturn in nearly a century.
well its a choice

If Oregon chooses to tax such things then manufacturers of such things will suffer, which means more unemployment which means more benefits which means even less in State coffers.

The State still wants to provide the same services that it always has...And the above is the price we will pay.

Quite simple really..And I don't consider this a political statement its simple economics.



What do you expect? This is the People's Republic of Oregon, doncha know?

I love how they included "Kitplanes" when the largest manufacturer of same is just up the road from Salem.

Write a letter or send an email to the legislators involved.

Government by the people works, IF the people participate in government.
already did

and asked her how the already hurting roadgoing RV's would fair oh and the largest kitplane manufacturer just up the road..

Actually I tacked it onto the message I had already written about cutting out low value education programs..Sorry but a degree in music is a luxury program we can't afford to subsidise lest we all start raising goats to eat.

I also wrote

And unlike my usual style I was rather "frank" about my feelings, i.e., let them know what idiots they were and pointed out that we can see this is just an incremental sales tax, which Oregon voters have repeatedly turned down.

For those of you who are not Oregon residents, note that this is an Oregon bill, not U.S., so it only affects you in regard to your purchases from Van's and other Oregon sources.
branch office??

If the tax is large enough Van's may need to open up a branch office to handle purchasing and accts recievable to avoid the tax. Make the home office the "manufacturing headquaters".

Either that or we'll all have to pay em while they're in WI or FL during airventure or sun n' fun.
Submarines too?

I see sub's are on the luxury list, too! I wonder how many of those sold in Oregon lately. It appears Oregon is trying to "out stupid" California.

Steve Hamer
0-360 BA Hartzell
Apple Valley, Ca.
It appears Oregon is trying to "out stupid" California.
Only because half the state moved up here after screwing up california beyond recognition. For those of us who attempt to run small businesses affected by this new's like taking away a life preserver from someone who's drowning.
Outstupid California?

Shamer writes...It appears Oregon is trying to "out stupid" California.

Try as Oregon may, I will boast that our California legislature is non-out-stupidable.

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Well at least Oregon will be able to "Go Green" as people move out of the state and let the vegitation reclaim the land. Not sure how the decline of business and taxpayers will balance the budget in Salem though. Perhaps they could tax shade from trees, breathing air, drinking water, looking at mountains, etc.
It appears Oregon is trying to "out stupid" California.

Steve Hamer
0-360 BA Hartzell
Apple Valley, Ca.

Before the thread disappears; back in the 70's I used to see bumper stickers saying "Don't Californicate Oregon". Appears that bumper stickers don't work!:D
Isn't there something written somewhere about taxation without representation? Are they aiming this only at their own residents, or are they charging a luxary tax to those who don't reside in Oregon?
Business will vote with their feet......

Along with "Social Engineering" the government is just incompetent. Let it go on and business will "vote with their feet" Texas is somewhat friendlier to business, but new franchise tax on business is moving the wrong direction, but not nearly like other states.

Refreshing political discussion. Don't confuse "CHANGE" with progress in resolving the issues our country currently faces!
Tax on Van's Aircraft Kit Planes

The following is my two cents worth. Dick, Scott, and the other top hands at Van's need to me an appointment and go down personally and visit with the state representatives who have sponsored and are pushing the bill.

I would think that the following would be a good game plan.

Ask the state representatives how they would feel if Van's Aircraft relocated their facility, and _____ employees to another state that might offer them not only no tax on the sale of their kits, except sales taxes to the residents of that single state and such other state would offer Van's Aircraft economic incentives to move their facility to such friendly state?

While I enjoy living in Lubbock, Texas I suspect it would take a lot to entice Van's Aircraft to relocate to Lubbock but the following website:

would provide a lot of ammunition to use against an Oregon state representative that if you push the proposed bill through we (Van's Aircraft) might need to look at the following incentives being offered:

1. Advantages of a Foreign Trade Zone; and

2. Industrial tax abatement, limited sales tax refund, and building permit refunds for new development within the Zone; and

3. Job Creation Incentive Grants; and

4. Other federal, state and local incentive programs; and

5. Located at Lubbock International Airport; and

6. Adjacent to Interstate 27 and near four US Highways; and

7. Home of EAA Chapter 19 (19th Chapter chartered by the EAA); and

8. Home to at least 11 flying RV's and 6 RV's currently under construction (probably more but all I can remember off the top of head.

9. Home of the Texas Tech Red Raiders!!! (Well maybe that wouldn't mean anything to an Oregon State Representative.
The following is my two cents worth. Dick, Scott, and the other top hands at Van's need to me an appointment and go down personally and visit with the state representatives who have sponsored and are pushing the bill.

I would think that the following would be a good game plan.

Ask the state representatives how they would feel if Van's Aircraft relocated their facility, and _____ employees to another state that might offer them not only no tax on the sale of their kits, except sales taxes to the residents of that single state and such other state would offer Van's Aircraft economic incentives to move their facility to such friendly state?

While I enjoy living in Lubbock, Texas I suspect it would take a lot to entice Van's Aircraft to relocate to Lubbock but the following website:

would provide a lot of ammunition to use against an Oregon state representative that if you push the proposed bill through we (Van's Aircraft) might need to look at the following incentives being offered:

1. Advantages of a Foreign Trade Zone; and

2. Industrial tax abatement, limited sales tax refund, and building permit refunds for new development within the Zone; and

3. Job Creation Incentive Grants; and

4. Other federal, state and local incentive programs; and

5. Located at Lubbock International Airport; and

6. Adjacent to Interstate 27 and near four US Highways; and

7. Home of EAA Chapter 19 (19th Chapter chartered by the EAA); and

8. Home to at least 11 flying RV's and 6 RV's currently under construction (probably more but all I can remember off the top of head.

9. Home of the Texas Tech Red Raiders!!! (Well maybe that wouldn't mean anything to an Oregon State Representative.

10. Ability to constantly test various wind and dust tolerance levels. Just kidding, I almost miss Lubbock some days. It is nice to have that LONG 35L/17R.
HB 3146 doesn't seem to be going anywhere

The bill was referred to the Oregon House Revenue Committee on March 12, with subsequent referral to Ways and Means. It has not yet had a hearing at all as of May 20 by either committee, let alone being sent to the House floor for a vote. Then it has to go through the same process in the Senate. Time is running short for any bill that has not at least had an initial hearing, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. it's pretty crazy. The legislature begins in January and usually adjorns sometime in June, or July if they're late.

This does not preclude a "gut and stuff" bill near the end of the session wherein bills that have not made it get put into a bill or bills of similar issue. The contents of a bill are removed and related issues inserted. In Oregon, a bill can address only one issue - revenue, for example, but when the individual pet bills related to, in this case, revenue, can't make it through the regular committee process, they are sometimes put into a bill addressing similar topics as an end-run.

You can find the current status of the bill by going to, click on House Bill, and in the box enter 3146. [corrected link]

If you want to find out about any possible hearings go to They keep the schedules for the current week and the next full week. Bills sometimes come up with only a couple of days or even hours notice, so keep watching.

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