
Would there be any reason why you can't order the Emp and fuselage kit together and then the wing kit later when ordering the 12?
Would there be any reason why you can't order the Emp and fuselage kit together and then the wing kit later when ordering the 12?

No problem with ordering, but I believe there is a point in the fuselage construction when you need to have the wings available to check the fit. I'm sure someone who has done it will provide more information.
You will be ok with this. I took the same route. I did order the stub spars and had them shipped before the wing kit to fit them to the stub spar fittings. In reality, all I wound up doing was dressing the female spar fittings that attach to the fuselage. I can't really say at this point if they will need to be further fitted, but will know soon. I ordered the fuselage first because I could get it quicker. Truthfully, the fuselage is a much bigger project and I am glad that I built it first. The wings are extremely straight forward.
I ordered all except the engine and avionics kit at once, because the freight was about $500 more if shipped separately. Your freight may vary, but Vans will give you a quote each way.
I did the tail, then the wings, and am now working on the fuselage. I think this is a preferred order for a first time builder. The fuselage is significantly more complex than the other two kits and by doing them first you will be more experienced and confident. At least, that was the story for me. Yes, the wings are bulky but the wooden-frame-with-carpet holder for them can be built in a couple of hours and stores them pretty compactly.
Thanks for the info. Been toying with the idea of putting my 9 kit aside for awhile and building the 12.
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