Jim P

Well Known Member
I'm getting ready to order the firewall forward kit for a -7. What's the feedback on the kit oil cooler? With an O-360 CS installed, are most folks happy with this cooler?

Fair to midland

I assume Vans firewall forward oil cooler kit?

Cooler, I think its a less expensive and efficient clone. I only use SW. I am cheap but spend my money where it counts.

The Firewall oil cooler mount kit is terrible. The idea is not bad just the parts which might work well for a Lyc 320. Search archives for more info. There are several extensive threads on how to remotely mount an oil cooler properly.
I have an 0-360 with C/S prop. I used the Van's cooler, mounted on the left rear of the baffle, per Van's instructions. Cools just fine and no problems with the mount in three years, 140 hrs.


Have you given any thought about an oil thermostat?


I'm having a heck of a time regulating the oil temps. I fly in 15F - 50F locally and 80F when I head south. It is hard to keep the oil temp in the green zone with such a wide variety of OAT's.

I have not installed one yet, but looking for advice.
Another datapoint....

Like Roberta, I sued the kit oil cooler from Van's, mounted on the left rear baffle on my O-260. I did do a fair amount of beefing up of the baffles in that area (some doublers and heavier angle) cause I didn't want to be rebuilding it later - probably overkill.

Cooling has worked great, and that is down on the Texas Gulf Coast, where summer lasts about 9 months! ;)
