
Active Member
I just picked up an RV8 QB project and was wondering what others were using to track and document their progress. It sounded like the Kit Log program that Van's Sells would work well but I was interested to find out if those that had it thought it was worthwhile?

I use the Kitlog program and am quite satisfied with it. My day job is mostly spent developing MS Access applications, but for the price of Kitlog, I just couldn't see spending the time to make my own. I have enough trouble getting any work done on the plane as it is! :eek:
Kitlog Pro for me!

I like KitLog Pro too, I ordered it from Vans and I have really enjoyed it. I had a couple of issues on setup, mostly operator error and their tech support was first rate. I still like the idea of doing my own website ala Dan Checkaway, but I would have to pay for hosting and everything. For now this works great for me!
Thumbs up from me! I take 5 minutes or less after every work session, and all my work is documented. I also keep a running printed hard copy just in case.
Kitlog Pro 2.0

I'm using it and I think it is a big bang for the buck. Support while not instantaneous is outstanding. Since Paul has a day job it may take a day or so to get back to you but he will get back to you. I recommend it.

Thanks everyone. I did a search but must have searched for Kit Log and not Kitlog so I missed the thread that Rick sent. Looks like a good program to pick up and use.
