
Well Known Member
I am trying to get some information on when Vans changed to matched-hole kits? I want to build a RV8 and want to keep my options open to the posibility of buying partially completed kit.
Kit History

I researched this some time back. Unfortunately I do not remember when the kits changed. I'm thinking it was 10 or so years ago. Someone here probably knows. If not, a quick call to Vans will tell the story. If I remember what I learned correctly, the older wing kits apparently included the carry thru structure. The spars and carry thru were match drilled at the factory and then lived together in the wing kit. Today, the carry thru is shipped with the fuse. I also seem to remember that the spar has changed and the new spar has a 50 lb higher aerobatic gross. I would make sure you understand all of the changes and mods incorporated into the kit.
Kit History

I have a wing kit invoiced on 6/28/2001 and it is matched hole with the higher gross weight which is now built. That should give you a date to work with. The wingtips are the older straight style tips. A word of caution...be sure the builders manual is the updated manual for the kit you are building. The manuals evolved as changes were made to the kits meaning you really can't really use someone else's manual to build off of. Vans included in each kit an updated section to replace the section you have in your original builders manual. My tail kit and wing kit were both "orphaned" kits and I did not have one missing part out of either one and no kit was even started by prior owners and the wing kit was owned by two people prior to me. It has worked well for me and good luck.

Dick DeCramer
RV6 N500DD flying
RV8 Fuselage assembly
Northfield, MN
Wings or Fuselage

The wings I believe were always match holed - check my facts here, but the fuselage (-1) came out in 2006. Prior to that it was not match-holed. The tail of course was never match-holed (edit - it is match-holed)
I could be wrong, but this is my recollection.
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The wings I believe were always match holed - check my facts here, but the fuselage (-1) came out in 2006. Prior to that it was not match-holed. The tail of course was never match-holed.
I could be wrong, but this is my recollection.
My wings were not match holed - the wing kit was delivered in late 1997 or early 1998. It had pilot holes in the wing skins, but I had to drill all the holes in the ribs.
I have a tail from September 07 and it is matched hole. Like DickDe said, the newer spar came about in about 2001, it lists the date in the builders book. The center section comes with the wings, but my 2002 wing kit mated up perfectly with a 2008 QB fuse. I called and asked, and they told me to just toss my old center section, the wings would fit with the new center.

The tail has changed slightly from the early to current, in the elevator counterweight area.