
I'm New Here
Any on else experiencing long waits for kits? We ordered our wing kit in the beginning of April and they just shipped a few days ago. I wonder if this is going to be an ongoing problem with materials being diverted to the S-LSA's being built.
I don't know the reason for a longer than usual lead time to ship your wing kit, but I doubt it is because of S-LSA production.
The current S-LSA production rate would be using only a small percentage of normal kit production volume.
Any on else experiencing long waits for kits? We ordered our wing kit in the beginning of April and they just shipped a few days ago. I wonder if this is going to be an ongoing problem with materials being diverted to the S-LSA's being built.

Probably due to the price increase in April and the fact that most builders ordered ahead.
Any on else experiencing long waits for kits? We ordered our wing kit in the beginning of April and they just shipped a few days ago. I wonder if this is going to be an ongoing problem with materials being diverted to the S-LSA's being built.

Yes. My fuselage kit was delayed nearly 2 months over and above the normal time. I thought the same thing about the production S-LSAs taking the kits. But was told that was not correct - they use a different line for that. Either way, Barb went above and beyond to make it all right - so kudos to her!
Yes. My fuselage kit was delayed nearly 2 months over and above the normal time. I thought the same thing about the production S-LSAs taking the kits. But was told that was not correct - they use a different line for that. Either way, Barb went above and beyond to make it all right - so kudos to her!

Several years ago I waited 5 months or so for my fuselage. It's just testimony to the popularity of the 12. They are worth the wait.:D
Several years ago I waited 5 months or so for my fuselage. It's just testimony to the popularity of the 12. They are worth the wait.:D
I also had a lengthy wait for the fuselage due to a shortage of center sections. You won't get very far without one of those, which is why they don't just ship what that have and put the center section on backorder.
Same here

Currently sitting out a similar delay on my fuse kit, though so far it's only one month. Ditto on the culprit being the center section. I wouldn't want it to be backordered just to get the rest of the kit in hand. The thing I'm learning about building an RV is that it becomes so much a part of your life that not doing it for a spell leaves a large, almost painful void. Having all those parts in the shop and not being able to do anything but look at them would be worse than not having them. I'll wait, albeit not too patiently. AAAARGHHHHH! I gotta BUILD sumpin!!

It's OK...I'm, really. I have meds.
Having heard others having to wait, I ordered the entire kit all at once (except the powerplant and avionics). I was glad that I never had to wait for the next kit,\.
Currently sitting out a similar delay on my fuse kit, though so far it's only one month. Ditto on the culprit being the center section. I wouldn't want it to be backordered just to get the rest of the kit in hand. The thing I'm learning about building an RV is that it becomes so much a part of your life that not doing it for a spell leaves a large, almost painful void. Having all those parts in the shop and not being able to do anything but look at them would be worse than not having them. I'll wait, albeit not too patiently. AAAARGHHHHH! I gotta BUILD sumpin!!

It's OK...I'm, really. I have meds.

Darn....I'm in the same boat (finishing touches on last wing) with fuse on order. My wife will go nuts with me not having the shop to keep me out of her hair. This will be painful....I have no meds!
After ordering the wing kit in mid-April it finally arrived yesterday!! Already deep in inventory, it will be good to be building again.
After ordering the wing kit in mid-April it finally arrived yesterday!! Already deep in inventory, it will be good to be building again.

Order the FUSELAGE KIT now if you haven't already. You will be ready in 2 - 5 weeks. Wings build quick :D