
Well Known Member
I have finished my emp for a 7a project. I realize vans reccomends or not sure may require building the wings next. Can I order and build the fuse before the wings with the 7a kit? Sorry for the very basic question. thanks, al
I would do wings first

Sure you can go to the fuse next but I would do the wings.

Its much easier to set the wings aside once completed and press on with the fuse than build up the fuse, then go to the wings and then go back to the fuse for the finish kit and firewall forward.

Their is alot of satifaction in knowing that the wings are done and then concentrate just on all the fuselage stuff.

my 2cents
I'm building a 10 and not a 7, so there may be some differences.

But I went with the fuse before wings and don't regret it.

The only issue I've noticed is that you get into the higher priced stuff earlier than if I had done the wings.

wings then fuselage...

there is a good progression for the use of construction space and building skills in going with the wings first. perhaps even more important is the flow of the project... as you get farther into the fuselage you lock in very high dollar items that are best differed as close to the end as you can manage. also the growing excitement of completing the project would be much different if you finished the fuselage and had to set it all aside for 400+ hours of construction on the wings.

if you do jump into the fuselage first it would probably work out fine if you shifted to the wings once you got the fuselage up to quick build status.

in the end its all choices and timing... quite a number of your choices get locked in with the fuselage, not so much with the wings.
kit build sequence

Hi Steve, you bring up some very good and important points. My main thought is also timing. Seems there are often completed or nearly completed wing sets for sale and thought this could expidite things. not sure. Is there any hole match issues if i bought used wings?

Hmm, now i am thinking that maybe when they build the main wing spar at vans, they may set aside a center spar that is specifically matched with builder number perhaps. If this is the case, any used wing kit i buy will not be matched to the center spar that comes with the fuse. Thoughts on this?
Im sure i will give Vans a call on Monday and try to find out, however, I am posting this for education of others.
The wing kit comes with the center section and the fuselage longerons. So you're going to have to get a wing kit at the same time as the fuse, or at the very least make special arrangements with Vans.
No issues with Van's on the center section carry through. It was a 5 minute phone call and they shipped it to me.

It's noted in my account that I've already got it, so I won't be charged for it when the wings ship.

For me it's a no brainer to build the fuse first. 95% of the time and money goes between the spinner and tail. There's no reason to have a pair of wings taking up space when the majority of the work is still ahead of you.

Plus a pair of QB wings is pretty easy to make airworthy. So once you get right to the end, you can order QB wings and finish them in no time. You can put connects in the wing roots for the wing wires, pitot lines, and fuel.

I'd rather have the space and let Van's worry about storing my wings for now.

If you do wings first...

... delay riveting on the lower outboard wingskin until later in the project.
Then it's easier to install for example servos for an autopilot if you want to install that.
Other installations might also be easier (AOA for example)

All other tasks can be done with the wings.

The advantage of doing it this way, is so you don't have to take any big decitions NOW regarding what stuff you'll install in the plane later on. Developments happens so fast these days, so when you're ready to install landing/taxi lights, position lights, AOA, autopilot etc, then new products may be arrived on the market.