
Well Known Member
Another trip we took about a week ago. Kingston is only a 1/2 hour flight away from Ottawa. This was our first test using the folding bikes as luggage in the RV-9A. Flight was short ... too short :rolleyes:

Airport photos showing stowage of the bikes is in a previous thread of mine. Here are a few pics .... I get caught up in the touring / cycling, that I find it hard to stop and take photos.

View of Wolfe Island from a park in Kingston.

Windmills on Wolfe Island

Waiting for the ferry going to Wolfe Island. Next year we may just pay a visit to another RV-9A builder that lives on the island (has a grass strip).

OK VAF sleuths. This was posted at the ferry docks. I can clearly understand what is being conveyed in the lower symbol .... no swimming. The upper symbol though has me wondering. Is it no fish are allowed? Fish cannot make bubbles, cannot smile? I'm confused:eek:.


Part II

Windmills, more windmills. Wolfe Island has seen the erection of a windmill farm in the last couple of years. We counted about 50 as we were approaching the island on the ferry.

Ferry dock at Wolfe Island.

This reminds me of a foreign movie I saw (just a few minutes ... as it was subtitled and rather slow moving) as I was browsing the TV channels. This man was asked what he did for a living. "I'm a wind farmer" he replied.

Wind farmer ... I want to be a wind farmer.
