
Well Known Member
On my way to Oshkosh and I picked up flight following, everything was working well for about 100 miles then it stopped receiving. Apparently they could still hear me when I switched over to a back up radio. I pulled the radio out of the tray and did not see any burnt markings and everything appeared to be normal so I reset the radio and still have nothing.

Antenna appears to have no physical damage and no loose connections behind the KY97A radio.

Do you guys have any suggestions?
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If you have a 14 volt electrical system or some type of converter for the radio you have a KY97A
For whatever reason the higher number of otherwise identical Bendix radios is usually 14 volt.
Not sure about the KX155 series
If you have a 14 volt electrical system or some type of converter for the radio you have a KY97A
For whatever reason the higher number of otherwise identical Bendix radios is usually 14 volt.
Not sure about the KX155 series

That is correct it is a 97A, it was a typo.