KLN 94

Thanks guys.....I called Dynon, they aren't sure about the 94. Website says the 90 Arinc confirmed....serial MAY work. Glad to hear a positive response on the 94.
The KLN-94 does not have an arinc 429 output. It has an analog output which most autopilots don't work with, to be able to do roll steering necessary for IFR. I have a side project I will eventually get to to use a microcontroller to convert the analog signal to the SL-30 serial format, which is equivalent to arinc 429 without the hardware complexity. It does have the standard Nema 0183 serial output, so it will drive an autopilot but not do turn anticipation.

Really nice and simple IFR gps, but you'll want an external moving map such as a portable.
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It does have the standard Nema 0183 serial output, so it will drive an autopilot but not do turn anticipation.

The odd thing is that it *will* do turn anticipation over RS-232, as did the KLN-89B. It was one of the happiest moments of my life when my KLN told the Dynon AP to start a turn for the next leg early. :)
Really! That's not spelled out anywhere in the manual and I talked to a friend who works at Honeywell about it. I suppose even if its not true bank-angle information, incremental changes in heading in output sentences might be good enough.
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Really! That's not spelled out anywhere in the manual and I talked to a friend who works at Honeywell about it. I suppose even if its not true bank-angle information, incremental changes in heading in output sentences might be good enough.

I think that is exactly what is going on; my suspicion is the info that gets spit out over the serial port is derived from the same info that the on-screen CDI uses which, as you know, supports turn anticipation.

It's not perfect, and not as good as a true GPSS solution, but it does turns of up to 45 degrees or so without overshoot, and even the 90 degree turn on the 'T' of a GPS approach is handled without a lot of overshoot.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the unit; while it certainly isn't in the same class as a GTN650 etc. I think the King units provide an excellent amount of functionality for the price, and really aren't any harder to user than a Garmin 430.
well shoot. Had I known this I wouldn't had to get the $200 GPSS steering option on my Pro Pilot....

Glad to know your KLN GPS is working fine.

Have your tried loading a flight plan in it and see if the Dynon will follow it.

I just installed a KLN-90B with a Skyview and haven't the chance to try an approach/ flight plan with it yet so I'm interested in your findings.


[email protected]
Glad to know your KLN GPS is working fine.

Have your tried loading a flight plan in it and see if the Dynon will follow it.

I just installed a KLN-90B with a Skyview and haven't the chance to try an approach/ flight plan with it yet so I'm interested in your findings.


[email protected]

Yes, in fact I had a couple of test cards to check that functionality out, which is where I discovered it did turn anticipation.

The upside: it follows a flight plan just fine, and will even fly the lateral portion of a non-precision approach. One test card had me using it to fly a triangular course from KFBL to KMKT to KTOB then back to KFBL. It flew it as programmed into the flight plan.

The downside: The GPS only outputs nav data once every two seconds, or perhaps a bit faster, which makes it difficult for the autopilot to track accurately. This results in shallow S-turns at times.