
Well Known Member
King seems intent to not cede the market to Garmin:


KSN 770 is said to be under $20,000 and the KFD840 which is to include MFD, WAAS GPS, Nav / Com is yet to be priced. They would have to price the KFD 840 at around the $16,000 list range to be competitive with the GNS-530. At 20,000 the KSN 770 would be $10K less than the Garmin G600. With these two units, the addition of a transponder is all that would be needed for a complete panel--without backup of course.
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Engine instruments? A/P controls? etc?

Other than being certified, what does the EFIS provide that GRT, Dynon, AFS, Chelton or Broken & Blue Mountain currently does not? Except for the Tenessee vendor, I think the others I listed provide an outstanding value, especially the GRT and the Dynon. At $40,000 for the units and a transponder, I could shop and put together a comparable panel with an AP, dual EFIS, engine monitor and have enought left over to buy a prop and interior. I'm not from the show me state, but logical counterpoint info would be nice.
King is goos stuff, but they are way over priced. MY CFI is looking for a tray for his king audi panel. King wants $600 for the TRAY.
Hard Knox said:
Other than being certified, what does the EFIS provide that GRT, Dynon, AFS, Chelton or Broken & Blue Mountain currently does not?
Fully certified and TSO is at least a yardstick we can measure the other (non-certified) products against. I agree that some of the above provide an outstanding value. A fully TSO'd (not just saying you meet the TSO) system as above would actually be cheaper than the experimental Chelton Sport system with the addition of radios. If you are a VFR pilot, TSO'd and certified probably doesnt mean much to you. If however you are an IFR pilot, it has added importance even in an experimental plane.