
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
We did a 3-ship over our son's kindergarten class (arranged with the teachers to coincide with the beginning of Spring Break). Thirty minutes after this shot was taken they let out for a week. How's that for a send off!!!!!

Absolutely the highlight of the week for me. We did everything by the numbers and regs and (talking with the teachers later) have been invited to do this again every year for the rest of our lives. With the GPS we arrived 15 seconds from pre-planned arrival time. Very rewarding.

Extra special thanks goes out to SKY and MONK for being rock steady wingmen in the turbulent afternoon. As MONK said, "It may be windy, but at least it's bumpy."

Next year they want to pull the WHOLE SCHOOL (K-4) out, not just all the kindergarten classes.

One of the grownups down there is the yoga instructor, btw. She had a camera, also. I'll write up something for the site over the weekend and include some pics she took from the ground.

What a great start to the weekend!!!!!



Pic of flyover:
wow -- too much fun, and my plane is in the paint shop.

Those kids will remember that forever!
Ok Doug, I'll bite, since no one else has.

While flying in formation, at legal altitudes, in a low-wing airplane, you just happen to snap a straight down pic of a schoolyard where you can virtually recognize faces?

Uh, details please!
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LOL :) .

Formation barrell roll would be the cool answer, but in actuallity I made a solo pass after the formation passes were done and dipped a wing. Big zoom lens.

Here's the original scaled down from 8,000 pixels to 640 pixels wide:

Kind of a letdown, huh? <g>


PS: cropped version at

n5lp said:
Ok Doug, I'll bite, since no one else has.

While flying in formation, at legal altitudes, in a low-wing airplane, you just happen to snap a straight down pic of a schoolyard where you can virtually recognize faces?

Uh, details please!
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Report from the ground

Thing 3 and the CFO were at the school watching, it was a major hit! And was naturally a positive influence on the wife....
No doubt that at least a couple kids had the aviation seed planted that afternoon.This is the kind of thing that got me started,this and going to the old air museum[burned down] here in Sant Fe when I was a little kid.