
Well Known Member

I finally pulled the trigger. Monday, December 1st, at 2:08 pm EST, I emailed Van?s my order form for an RV-7 empennage kit.

Later that day, I got this email:

Andrew, I was able to print your form with no problem. Thanks much. We will process your order and ship as soon as we can.

After writing back a week later (December 7th) inquiring about a tracking number, I got this:

Andrew, although your order has been put to crating, it has not shipped yet. We normally ship with Fed Ex on a 3 day service, and you will get an email with the tracking once it leaves our door. Thanks for your order and have fun building once you do get you kit.

But then only a couple hours later (still December 7th)?

Andrew, I was told this afternoon that we are totally out of parts for the RV-7,8, and 9 kits. We should have some hopefully by next week and will ship
your order as soon as we can once the parts have come in from production.

I?m pretty bummed that the lady on the phone (December 1st) told me they were in stock and it was a whole week (and an email inquiry) after my order was placed (and my payment accepted) that I find this out. I think this means the kit will arrive sometime two weeks from now?

If I had a picture of myself frowning, I would post it right here.

Grrrr?Hurry up and wait?
Remember this when you go to order your other kits. Plan on the stated lead time plus room for delays. Don't forget shipping delays.

Take the time to get ready for the kit. Read all about the section you are working on and learn about some of the easy to make mistakes.

Have you got all your tools? Have you been practicing with them?

Be patient and it will be here before you know it and then you will be wondering how in the world you will ever find the time to get it all done.
Stuff happens. You will get over it and have the RV smile. Just enjoy the ride with all the ups and downs along the way. It that is the worst down you have building - it ain't nothing. Go bum a ride from a local RV driver and you will soon be over it :)
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I think I might have the whole Empennage section of the instructions memorized by now.

Also, I've been through 3 or 4 build logs in full, and then I've gone through each of their empennage sections 1 or 2 additional times.

Also, I put together the practice kit, drilled out all the rivets (fairly well, I might add), and then put it back together after experimenting with priming it a little more.

I'm sure I'll regret saying this five minutes after starting, but I can't wait to drill, disassemble, debur, dimple...(I think I might be forgetting one of the "d"s).

I am really excited to get started, though. I just thought I'd be getting a package today, as opposed to a couple weeks from now.

And you're right, I'll be remembering to order the wings with plenty of lead time for myself and Van's.
Is your shop completely in order yet? I mean are you ready to unbox that empennage kit and start clecoing/drilling/deburring/riveting?

If not, get on it.

There will be many, many delays in the build (although usually not from Van's) and you have to find other little things to do that will get you toward that first flight.

Van's is not a perfect company...but they sure try to provide good service. I built a slow-build kit and was very satisfied with every order that I placed with them. Sometimes they would get things wrong -- but they always, always made it right -- even those times the error was my fault (when I ordered the wrong FWF kit, for example).
No worries mate, time flies. Go spend some time with friends or family before you abandon them for years. :D
don't worry!

If your like me, you won't be able to leave it alone long enough to have dinner once you get started.

Its an addiction:D

Brace yourself!

-9A finish kit
N514R reserved
It's kinda like a being in a left turn lane 10 cars back

Be patient. Once you have get past the mind smoldering wait you will not even remember it. There will be many more ahead.

Bob Axsom
Some of us had to wait a lot longer than that. I think I placed my RV-10 emp order and didn't get it for another six weeks. I think that was the quickest of my kits to ship.
The building process is full of highs & lows. Control what you can, and don't worry about what you can't.

you let this little speed bump bother you, then reconsider the build all together, as this will seem like UPS Overnight 10:00 AM Delivery down the road compared to other challanges you will have ahead. :)
you let this little speed bump bother you, then reconsider the build all together, as this will seem like UPS Overnight 10:00 AM Delivery down the road compared to other challanges you will have ahead. :)

geez, mr motivation. :)

permission granted to be a little disappointed.
build on brother andrew! um, er, wait-on brother andrew!
If we learn nothing else from the RV experience, we will learn patience....Just wait until you mess up a part and are stuck dead waiting on a replacement to show. It doesn't stop when the airplane is finished either - you'll decide to modify something in the panel, and be missing the ONE connector you need, and have to wait on ACS to deliver it....

As disappointing as it is, you'll forget all about it once your kit arrives. As they used to say in an old Nissan commercial, "Enjoy The Ride."
Wait until you start buying things like the engine, prop, interior and dare I say avionics....some of those delays will make you pull your hair out. It's why I'm nearly bald!

Welcome to the RV club, there will be ups and downs along the path but overall you'll love the experience.


truth is well... The Truth. In no way was it mean't to be a non-motivational statement! These planes just don't snap your fingers and come together. I don't have much hair left... :eek:

geez, mr motivation. :)

permission granted to be a little disappointed.
build on brother andrew! um, er, wait-on brother andrew!
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This actually maybe a good exercise by Vans to make sure their customer have enough patience to finish the job.
Without that, one will be making each part of the project a few times to get it right

RV 7A - IO360M1B

Hi Andrew

Welome to the legal addiction of choice.

I started out "KNOWING" I would be flying by at least September 10, 2006.....having started the process on September 10, 2004.....NOT!!!!!Try July 14, 2009 for the first flight and the plane even today needs the painting finished.

From a 2 year project to a 4 plus year project it had it's ups and downs, frustrations, starts and stops, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ spent, wonderful new friends made, many lessons earned, and really learned to be very very very patient. Plus the VAF has been such a treasure of info, friendships, and fun!!!!:)

Now with all this said, just enjoy the whole process and one day all the parts will be a plane ready to fly with that RV GRIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... BUZZ ... N74BZ ... FLYING:D
Same boat

My SB fuse kit was scheduled to ship two weeks ago, and I was waiting patiently like a little kid staring at all the Christmas presents under the tree on Dec. 24th. I never got a shipping confirmation email, so I called and was told some parts weren't in stock and that it should ship the week of Dec. 7th. So here I am, still staring at the presents. How did the movie "Groundhog Day" end again? :D
I've built the empennage for my RV-8 and think a lot of good things about Vans and their airplanes. In my experience, their customer service with kit orders is not one of those things. I think the company is missing the boat a bit in that department and I think it is mainly due to a lack of communication on their part.

In my case, I ordered the SB wing kit on Sept. 25 and they gave me an expect delivery date for the third week of November, if my memory is right. I travel a lot and wanted to be home when it arrived, so I called and asked them to put it off for three weeks to make sure it would arrive during a week I was in town. No problem; they were friendly and helpful.

Got a letter in mid-October....the wing kits were delayed. No projected date for delivery; just delayed, so I called them to get the revised date. They checked; not delayed in my case because I had already scheduled a delay. Okay. No word again from them. I called early last week (week of November 30). They checked and it was as if I had not called nothing would have moved forward. She said she would send the order for crating and is should go out Monday, December 7. All seemed set up. I thought I might hear something on Monday about a tracking number or some word. Nothing. I called today. The wing spars are delayed and they think the order will ship soon, but they are not sure when. I stressed my scheduling problems and she said she would call me when the kit is shipped. That probably won't help me much.

What is frustrating is that if I had not called I would have never known the wing kit was delayed. They must get alot of calls from customers about where their kits are in the pipeline. I would think the company would ultimately save money and time by keeping an "updated kit status by order number page" on the Van's website so customers would know what was going on. The person who is answering all those calls might be able to keep the page current on a daily basis and avoid most of the calls.

I realize that if this is my biggest problem in the building process I will be fortunate, and my other dealings with Van's have all been very positive. However, they need to tweak their process of keeping their customers in the loop on the kit orders.

Just my two cents worth.

Scott Thompson
And get your cheap digital camera ready to document the build process, along with whatever method you will be using to document the construction. You'll be going for the repairman's certificate when you complete your 7. :D

Is the shop heated for cold days, cooled for warm days? You'll likely need both along the way.
Maybe I've just been lucky. I stopped by Van's with no notice & picked up my tail kit. No delay on the wing kit beyond what their website said for lead time. Fuse and finishing kits, same thing. And everything of the thousands of parts were all there until I got to the finishing kit. There was some small item missing from the finishing kit. I think they did that on purpose just to show they are all human.
I understand how you feel

It will get better once your kit arrives. I ordered RV-10 complete kit the end of August. Made 8 or 10 phone calls and emails over the three months, Van's was on time, had some shipping delays, then DB Schenker delivered kit in top condition Nov 20th. Nothing damaged and one bag of nuts(225) missing. Not too bad for 40,000+ parts being shipped over 2,500 miles. There was always something to do while patiently waiting...organizing, workbench building, adding extra lighting, buying more tools, saving more money, exhaust fan, a form of heat, radio/cd player, small refrigerator with drinks and treats for you and your helpers(my kids like the peanut m&m's after they help me). You will see these kits are well worth the money. I thought $40,000 was alot to pay until I saw what you get and how long it would take me to procure and fabricate what they sent. I will start riveting skin on vs soon. Take care and have fun preparing and building.
Possible Strategy... End of the year, chaos, news of backorders, late shipments, delays in shipping........ and then it's the New Year, the prices have gone up and well, you'll get to pay more. ??? :( I hope not!!!
Ha! Totally agree with the bandaid comment! I have enough of my DNA in my -8 to never have to worry about it positively being identified as mine.

Brantel hit it on the head... for all your kit orders plan ahead and order early. I did this and was lucky in that all my kits arrived within a couple of days of completing the the last step from the previous kit. Spent those days reintroducing myself to the kids, the dog, and wifey :) (not always in that order)

Good luck and enjoy it!!!
Thanks for the advice

I know all of you guys are right. Even just preparing and researching this whole project has been a lesson in patience. And fun. I had way too much fun putting together the practice kit.

In the grand scheme of life, waiting an extra couple of unexpected weeks is really not that big of a deal, especially since I know this will be a great experience overall. (And now I can put in some quality time with the family before diving in.)

More than anything else, I hope other new builders (kit orderers) will maybe see this thread and not be too surprised at a delay for the emp kit. (I had already mentally prepared for all of the delays on the other kits from reading here and looking at the Van's site, I just was surprised by being told they were in stock and then them changing their story.)

I already have two EAA workbenches, a newly insulated carpeted (1 of 2 stalls) garage but maybe there's some more I can do out there. Also, I do have a few smaller tools to acquire.

In any case, thank you all again for the support, words of wisdom, and continued motivation to start an RV.

I'm sure I'll be keeping you guys posted with progress.

Thanks again.
busy company

One more thing Andrew,
You are dealing with a very busy company that will be around for a long time.
I bet you could get a GM car in a day or less.
Waiting for parts is just an opportunity to take care of jobs that you have been putting off.
We all have some of those.
Still no kits

I just called to check availability for the RV8 empennage kit. I was told they are still producing parts and should be ready to ship in about two weeks. Suppose my options are: 1. sweep out the shop a few more times. 2. buy more tools (can't have too many) or 3. try to finalize whether I want an 8 or 8A (this has been going on for several months now). When the kit does arrive I'll just call it my "After Christmas" present! :(

RV8/RV8a wannabe
This is really nothing in compairson to the future frustrations you'll experience.

You'll screw up a part on a Friday afternoon and it'll ruin any progress for the weekend. Then you'll realize its a 2 day holiday on Mon and Tues. So by the time your order is processed and shipped, you're waiting week or week and a half. It happens to all of us.

Building an airplane isn't nearly as much about technical apptitude. It's really more about patience and attitude. The more you build, the more you'll understand that statement.

I'm still learning too.

Enjoy your time spent at Christmas and New Years. It'll probably be the last one you really get to take in for the next 5 years.

or 3. try to finalize whether I want an 8 or 8A (this has been going on for several months now). When the kit does arrive I'll just call it my "After Christmas" present! :(

RV8/RV8a wannabe

Best way to finalize that dilema is to honestly answer the question: "What do I want to see when I open the hangar door?":D
or 3. try to finalize whether I want an 8 or 8A (this has been going on for several months now). When the kit does arrive I'll just call it my "After Christmas" present!

Best way to finalize that dilema is to honestly answer the question: "What do I want to see when I open the hangar door?":D

A ..............retractable.. :D

L.Adamson --- RV6A
Prep for building

Andrew: I read your prep list and your practice lists.......almost complete.........add:

Practice opening and applying Bandaid with two fingers while finger on your second hand is squirting blood on aluminum.:eek:
That brings up another good point.

Since I know that at some point I am going to drill into my hand at some point on this project, should I go ahead and get it out of the way now? And I have the two weeks to recover.

Maybe I can make sure I drip a little on the practice kit to make sure the appropriate blood to aluminum sacrifice has been made.

Just kidding. Kind of.
That brings up another good point.

Since I know that at some point I am going to drill into my hand at some point on this project, should I go ahead and get it out of the way now? And I have the two weeks to recover.

Maybe I can make sure I drip a little on the practice kit to make sure the appropriate blood to aluminum sacrifice has been made.

Just kidding. Kind of.

Absolutely! Also, take your fingers and hold them against the spinning Scotch Brite wheel, that will toughen you up!
Don't forget the finger in the pneumatic squeezer, mallet on thumb (opps shifted to a DRT2).
Don't forget about putting a couple of ANx-426 rivets on the kitchen tile and stepping on them in the middle of the night.
That brings up another good point.

Since I know that at some point I am going to drill into my hand at some point on this project, should I go ahead and get it out of the way now? And I have the two weeks to recover...


In the 13 years that it took me to get from inventorying the empennage kit to wheels up, I never drilled into my finger. Of course, as a dentist, I like to think that I know what to do with a drill.

Other injuries, different story. I had a spray bottle of "No More Ouchies" next to a box of band-aids in the shop -- till I discovered that the "No More Ouchies" had an expiration date of, oh ... about 1988. Oops. (A good lick for the blood and a piece of paper towel and some duct tape is MUCH more manly anyway).

And I still have some of Danny King's DNA in splotches on my shop floor -- a reminder to ALWAYS let your friends bleed in your place whenever possible. :D
Ouch! The only thing more painful would be if the wife did it...:eek:

I've managed to track a few into the house from the garage. They get caught in the tread of my shoes and manage to come off in some of the worst places.

So that wasn't a joke. :D
I've managed to track a few into the house from the garage. They get caught in the tread of my shoes and manage to come off in some of the worst places.

So that wasn't a joke. :D

Oh, I know it! I've tracked in stuff before, or spilled small parts from my RC car/heli...I can never find them in the light, but I sure can find them in the dark!
And get your cheap digital camera ready to document the build process, along with whatever method you will be using to document the construction. You'll be going for the repairman's certificate when you complete your 7. :D

Rats, you stole my thought..... So how about this.... Andrew, it's the beginning of December, and according to this thread it seems like one of the hottest things going for Xmas presents this year are RV kits from Van's. Sounds like "Vanta's" elves may be a bit busy. So, as painful as I know it is, ride this out as best you can, keep callling Van's to keep the elves on their toes, and one day soon you will become the proud owner of lots of little aluminum parts and strange looking hardware!

Then you can start with your 2 hours of inventory and putting all those parts in nice, clean, dry, and organized place... Let us know when the magic day happens with a pic of the boxes when they arrive. :D
Everytime I read one of these threads I remember when I first got my RV7 tail. Long time ago, haven't opened a new box since, but gotten a whole lot wiser. I think my -7 tail will probably be for sale in the next few months. Want to get moving on the -4 instead.
Data point

Just for a data point, I ordered my SB -7 fuse kit on 9/25, and got a call from FedEx freight this morning. Should have the crate in my greedy little hands tomorrow before noon!:D
2nd Data Point

My SB wing kit, ordered 8 Sep, finally shipped today. The problem is I was planning on being out of town next week. I'm hoping I can work something out with ABF for a week of Jan 4th delivery without getting charged anything extra for storage (assuming it arrives sometime next week).
Another data point!


After a short stint in Wichita for a wedding (shudder, and yes, I am entitled to a shudder... I put in two years there as a young, single male) and the beginning of a christmas vacation in the keys, I got an email from Van's for the first emp box (29 lbs) tracking number.
It should arrive just in time for the few days I have off while at home before returning to work. This ended up working out pretty well. I wonder where that second box is...