
Well Known Member
It was a perfect day for flying in Minne today - which was good, because Kate had invited several of her classmates to sample her "Personal Airline". RV Goodguys and hangarmates Alex P. and Bernie W. Helped with the rides and a good time was had by all. The kids might have learned a thing or two along the way as well.

Here is the assembled group in front of Alex's nice ride:

Tony is an active flight simmer and RC Pilot. He was a natural:

Megan was first up with Alex:

They even pulled along side for a photo op:

Fiona was brave enough to ride with me:

Sadie was luckier and drew Alex:

Bernie showed Cate how it is done:

Anna with Bernie:

Great day all around - a big thanks to Alex and Bernie!
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Not much more delightful than taking kids for rides

Pete, thanks for putting together the nice photos from today. Don't know about the "luckier" comment - I sometimes ask kids if they like amusement park rides...
Way to go guys!

Thats how it all starts. Give them a taste when they are young, they get the bug and pretty soon they are joining the pilot ranks. Great show of generosity gents!
Awesome Guys!!! These flights are SO critical to the future of GA!!! Nice to see every (flyable) plane in the hangar participating! ;)

- Peter
re: kids rides

I hope you registered the rides as Young Eagle flights. If not, please do, as the kids will be entered in the EAA log book, and they get a bunch of stuff from EAA HQ.
Was walking on the ramp at KSGS on Sunday -- heading back over to the hangar for another frustrating afternoon of not getting enough done on the RV-7A project, and noticed a family on the other side of the fence looking at all the activity.

I thought to myself, "man, if I had a FLYING RV, I'd ask them if they wanted rides." Heck, if I had an RV project that looked like an airplane, I'd at least ask them if they wanted to SIT in an airplane.

You're living the dream, Pete, Alex, and Bernie!
I've flown a lot of Young Eagles in the relatively short time that I've been flying my RV. I have to say, I think I like flying the girls better. Why? They're generally not afraid to tell you what they think. They get very excited and aren't afraid to express their emotions. The boys, however are frequently very reserved...trying to maintain some sort of "cool" persona. Of course this isn't always the case, but it's definitely something I and others have observed.