Vince Koehn

Well Known Member
A little different post...I have had kidney stones years ago and now recently (last week). This time I went to a urologist and had them analyzed and was given medication to take that should prevent future stones.

My question...

Has anyone here had any experience with kidney stones in relation to obtaining a third class medical. I know the FAA does not like kidney stones and was just wondering if anyone here had crossed this hurdle?
A couple of years ago I had kidney stones right before my medical. Knowing that the FAA frowns upon this topic, I had my doctor write a note stating I was now kidney stone free after having either a IVP x-ray/CTScan. I took this note to the FAA Medical Examiner and didn't have any problems getting my 3rd Class Medical.

Kidney Stones

I don't know how the FAA views kidney stones. I have a friend (non-pilot) that used to have them regularly, and then started following the advice available here and they stopped. Some of the info there seems far-out, but I guess before we understood bacteria that must have seemed far-out, too.

A friend of mine had some kidney stones and lost his medical for a period of time and then got it back.

My recommendation is to change your diet and drink alot of water. For the most part this will make the whole issue go will also make you feel better:) Most of use treat our planes better then we treat our bodies... :eek: Hope you feel better and that stones will no longer affect you.

Here 'ya go.
I'm doing some research for my own medical reasons (although not for kidney stones) and came across this reference. It might shed some light for you, and it came from this website:

FAA Policy on Flying after Kidney Stones

The FAA will certify a pilot who has had a single episode of kidney stones to fly after all stones are cleared, the pilot is stable and documentation is forwarded to the FAA for clearance. Many AME?s are willing to clear a pilot also, if they have the appropriate documentation. The documentation should include reports of the evaluation and treatment, as well as a report of x-ray confirmation that the pilot is stone free.

Pilots with recurrent episodes of kidney stones are required to present information to the FAA that they are free of stones before returning to flying. This is a recent change in FAA policy effective September 2003. See the AME Guide on the G-U System.

For those pilots who have retained stones that do not pass, the FAA will consider granting a waiver if their physician can affirm that the stone appears stable and is unlikely to pass spontaneously. Stones greater than 2 mm in size or those located in the upper or mid calyces are less likely to receive waivers. The hazard is that a retained stone may pass during flight and compromise flying safety.

A recent change in the Guide to Aviation Medical Examiners indicates that pilots with a history of retained stones may not be cleared to return to flight duties by their AMEs after documenting they are stone free. Instead, authorization must be obtained from the FAA AMCD or the Regional Flight Surgeon.

For the first episode of a stone, the FAA will not generally require follow-up reports from the pilot's personal physician on subsequent FAA medical examinations. Pilots with a history of recurrent or retained stones should expect to be required to submit these reports for several years at the time of their FAA medical examinations.
I had the same concern when I had Kidney stones about 8 years ago.
I have been able to retain my 3rd class medical; however, as you may have noted from the previous posts, there are some things you will need to do on an ongoing basis.
Provide documentation to the FAA that you are stone free. This is usually in the form of a letter from your doctor, but could also be something as simple as a short statement on his stationary. Both have worked for me with the FAA. Since my doctor is not my AME, I just provide that information to the AME at the time of the physical and he submits it along with the rest of the medical information.
I have set up annual visits with the urologist in order to build a history and to make sure any recurrence is identified early, just in case.
In some cases, the FAA will send you a notification that they have accepted your medical and will state that you must watch your health and ground yourself in the event that you have a recurrence. I have received two of these letters in the four times I have applied for the 3rd class medical, so they are not consistent on this. Make sure you save this, since your AME will want to refer to it when you go for your next physical. Depending on the AME, they may write a letter to the FAA along with your medical submission, especially if you take medication for the stones, so they can state that the medication is not causing any side effects that could disqualify you from acting as pilot in command.
Be your own judge as to what information you provide to the FAA, but be aware that they frown on not providing your true history. I have heard that they are cracking down on folks who provide incorrect information and the fines can be hefty, on top of the fact that you will probably lose your license.
Good luck.
N819VK said:
This time I went to a urologist and had them analyzed and was given medication to take that should prevent future stones.

I would guess based on the recent posts that the FAA won't have a problem with the stones, but you should be aware of whether or not the medication is approved!

If you are an AOPA member, here is a good link that lists currently approved medications and some of the 'nuances' regarding their use.

There are some other links to these types of things on the web if you aren't a member.
