Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
My wife and I were invited to the Launch of the Kepler Spacecraft on a Delta II rocket with 9 solid rocket strap-ons. I thought it would be nice to be "in the environment" one last time and if we included a side trip to Key West it would be special for her as well. I re-learned the old truth that "you can never go back" and found that Key West was the high light of the trip. Our Motel was a block from Duval Street in Old Town and I suspect that it has the appeal for many to visit. We are past that phase in our lives but found some very interesting things for us to do. We took the Old Town Trolley Tour to get an overview of the island city then we picked points of interest and activities that we were curious about. Some were not that special but Truman's Little White House tour with a lady named Audie (she said her mother had a crush on Audie Murphy) was special. We have taken enough tours to appreciate how critical the guide is to the enjoyment and the endurance of the memory - she was classical. We toured Ernest Hemingway's house and that was an interesting tour. While we were there we took advantage of the opportunity to ride in an open cockpit biplane. There is a fellow there (I believe his name is Josh) that has an office and a Waco with a bench seat for two in the front on the other side of the vehicle gate from the FBO. All flights have a fixed rate for two and there is no stick in the front cockpit. Now after $150 spent I have another priceless experience added to my life bag. There are many extremely highly rated restaurants but we seemed to pick modest eating delights. I flew our RV-6A IFR down there and back selecting V3 for my flight plan route. In both flights I was routed over open water from west of Fort Myers (essentially a 180 degree magnetic course from Lakeland) to Key West and from Key West direct to Melbourne on our way to Titusville. They seemed to ignore the slant uniform equipment suffix and survival equipment was not discussed - be prepared. It was a memorable trip.


Bob Axsom
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Wife and I have yet to make that trip. Hope to do so soon. Nice writeup Bob. If you ever get to the Northeast Georgia Region, let me know. I would like to meet you. We have a lot in common from the old "Space Race" days.
I Think You Will Enjoy it

It is one of those unique places that one should visit if practical. We plan to return to the southeast twice this year for air races (, Calendar of Events). One is in South Carolina and one is in northern Alabama. Your request of a few weeks ago is being honored here.

Bob Axsom
Hello from your former home airport: KSNA. And, friend and co-worker Norse. Good to see you and Jeanne enjoying retirement. Becky (wife) and I have also been to Key West recently and enjoyed it tremendously even if it was for just a day. I drove there from South Beach and this was a great experience too. Hope all is well and yes, I'm still poking along on my RV-6.


Sorry we didn't get a chance to meet while you were here for the Kepler launch. The terminal count was one of the smoothest in my memory and I hope you enjoyed the "light show" provided by the solid motors during initial ascent.

I enjoyed your Key West write up and will definitely look up the biplane ride when I am there next month.:)

Gerry Peterson
Rick, Sue, Becky and I took a ride in that very same airplane when we were in Key West. It was great, and I would recommend it. The only problem was that we drove down and didn't fly down ourselves. Maybe next time.
Trip Inspired Reading

Before this trip I had read a Hemingway short story as a part of required reading in literature and I had this hardback novel "A Farewell to Arms" sitting unread on a bookshelf for more than 30 years. After returning from our trip to Key West and touring his house I took the book down from the shelf and read it. Had we not made the trip I'm sure it would have continued to sit there neglected. It is a masterpiece - what a waste not reading it would have been. An example of flying enriching life beyond the primative experience.

Bob Axsom
Hi Bob,

We were in Key West just two months ago. Flew down with thirteen airplanes, mostly from TeamRV. We saw that little WACO fly around every day and I'm surprised none of us thought to take a ride. I'll be down there for business next month and will take the time to ride the WACO. Thanks for reminding me.
I hope to meet you at the Palmetto 125 race on Saturday. Looks like I'm your only competition, so far.