Appears to be true

He has updated linkedin now. Pasted below:


Engineer at Sierra Kilo


Chief Engineer at Van's Aircraft
Well, that's something I almost never imagined would happen. Ken K is probably one of the most significant aircraft designers around at the moment...he may not be known for a portfolio of unusual Rutan-esque aircraft, but he's made a MAJOR contribution to making metal airplane construction more accessible to the masses.

I'll put money on the fact that the light weight/low cost aeroplane some of us hoped that the RV-14 might have been, will be a Sierra Kilo product. I'll certainly be in the queue to build one.
This is que'd up for the new and improved website at the factory for tomorrow ( I was asked to go ahead and push a copy up here.


VAF_013 Aug. 17, 2012 12.45.05.jpg

Sierra Kilo and came up with ???? So, can someone tell us what Sierra Kilo is? This could be a really interesting happening.:cool:
When I read this thread last night, I had a feeling we would read the announcement on the new Van's Aircraft web page. Thanks, Doug, for posting it.
The KK-1 is based at Twin Oaks (7S3) and owned by EAA CH105 president Bruce Rose. It is flown regularly. Bruce say's it's for sale because he would like to have a two seat, low cost, high wing plane to fly Young Eagles.

KenK's wife is Susan, maybe the "Sierra" in Kilo Sierra. ;) Visitors to Van's tent at OSH may have met her. Attendees at the Van's Homecoming this weekend will probably have a chance to visit with Ken.

Maybe he will be working a concept for a high wing RV10-like plane that he seemed so enthusiastic about in that video.
I can't claim to know Ken and have been around him very little but I have been very impressed with him and his family.

Does anybody remember the time at LOE Las Cruces (or Santa Teresa) when Ken's mother was in attendance? I think she won a case or two of oil in the raffle. She happened to be in the area because she was working on "Habitat for Humanity" or something similar.

It may have been the same year that Ken walked up and called me by name and introduced himself. Wow, I didn't see that coming. I was just standing to the side and eavesdropping on whatever he might say. What a down-to-earth and all around competent guy.

Best wishes to him and his family.
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I am willing to bet a couple of dollars from my paycheck that Sierra stands for Saint.

Ken has frequently mentioned Stephen Saint and with his recent injury, I can easily see were Ken would move over to assume Stephen's role in keeping the mission moving forward.

Good for him if it's true!

Move Announcement

To me the sicere tone of the move announcement is another sign of what a class act Vans Aircraft is.
Well, that's something I almost never imagined would happen. Ken K is probably one of the most significant aircraft designers around at the moment...he may not be known for a portfolio of unusual Rutan-esque aircraft, but he's made a MAJOR contribution to making metal airplane construction more accessible to the masses.

I'll put money on the fact that the light weight/low cost aeroplane some of us hoped that the RV-14 might have been, will be a Sierra Kilo product. I'll certainly be in the queue to build one.

Hope you are right,

anyone got more info on Sierra Kilo?


Any update on Sierra Kilo and Ken? Stumbled across this thread and it made me curious if anyone knows what he's up to these days.
The Krueger’s held a small hangar party this last summer. Here’s the prototype ready for spin testing. Notice the spin recover chute on the tail. It was not needed.
And Ken still flys his RV-4 you see, and peaking behind the Ranger is Harmon’s -8. All very RV related.
The new March 2018 issue of EAA's Sport Aviation has a multi page article on the airplane as well.
Four years,my fault. I did see Ken the next day and he told me he was "working on a new secret project". Now we know what.
what a hit that would be if....

I cant help thinking what a Hit that machine would be in the kit market..It could fullfill so many of the criteria put forth in that older.."whats next from Vans" thread.
Easy entry and egress, high wing, cantilevered no less! I can vision with a 160/180 hp..a bit more wing and cabin..hmm..the Glastar formula in aluminum!
What a perfect beginning for a series of machines, starting with a 100 hp trainer, then a higher hp traveler, then a STOL taildragger version..geez..a whole company could be started around that formula I bet!,,LOL!
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Cessna 177

Ya if they could reproduce the old cessna 177 concept it might be a winner. I want cantilever, fast and high altitude cruise. Although I wonder if a high wing has an aerodynamic disadvantage to high efficiency high speed cruising?
If Vashon's price indications hold, I think they will sell many of these.
What can you build a RV-12 for? 90K+

The build experience is priceless IMHO. But many would just
rather write a check.
I thought the Ranger had an RV-ish looking vertical stab. Then I read the company engineer was a Ken Kreuger. Could it be the former Van's engineer? Shore enuff.
I'd sign up for a >150kt high wing kitplane, if they ever got into the kit market.
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