
Moderator, Asst. Line Boy
Kelli and I lost out on one too many trips due to the weather. When I told Kelli I was cancelling an upcoming cross country because the forecast was just too iffy, she pronounced a new set of priorities for her airplane and her pilot (me): Get the IFR mod and ticket. Here we go...

I originally built KELLI GIRL with an all-SkyView VFR configuration:



Walt Aranow of EXP Aircraft Service at my home field (NW Regional, 52F) does fantastic panel work, so I hired him for the 2-week job. We moved some switches around, removed the PAR100EX radio/intercom and the SkyView radio, and replaced them with:
Garmin GTN-650 (WAAS GPS, VOR/LOC/ILS, VHF comm radio, GPS source for ADS-B out)
Garmin GTR-200 (VHF comm radio)
Garmin GMA-245 (intercom with BlueTooth phone and music)
Dynon SkyView Autopilot Control Panel (enables all pitch/roll autopilot modes without having to dig around in the sub-menus)

The work begins...

First he removed the 10" SkyView displays (to create work space) and cut a big square section out of the center panel:

He then extended the hole forward into the sub-panel to accommodate the GTN-650's extended length:

Walt worked with Stein at SteinAir to create a cover plate that'll cover the big center hole while accommodating the trays for the GTN, GMA, GTR, and Autopilot control panel:


Almost everything plugged in and working. The Dynon Autopilot control panel was a late arrival, but all else worked. Note also the row of small toggles across the top center: They are for my boost pump and exterior lights. I like using the small toggles, and they're possible thanks to my VPX Vertical Power Pro:

Oh, and Dynon's heated pitot/AOA:

All wired, connected, labeled, holes filled, ready to fly:

...and the panel has already proved itself, as I have now already met the 40+ hours of IFR training under CFII Matthew Hood (Positive Rate LLC).

Note: How can you tell if you have a real hard-a$$ CFII? the cloud!
(Actually, Matt is a fantastic instructor. Knows his stuff, entertaining, has a knack for finding your limits then ratcheting back a notch so LEARNING still occurs. I definitely picked the right guy, and I strongly recommend him for your IFR training).

If I can just get on my examiner's schedule, I'll have the IFR ticket done.

Cheers, hats off, and three Sierra Hotels to:
- Walt Aranow at really do great work, my friend.
- Stein, for the perfectly fitting panel plate.
- Matt Hood, for running me through the ringer. The check-ride CAN'T be THAT tough. I'm ready.
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What did you do for ADSB-out? And -in?

Hi Bob.
I have had ADSB-IN with the Skyview ADSB receiver, although I did take advantage of Dynon's trade-in offer for the new dual-band receiver.

ADSB-OUT: I have also already carried the Skyview Mode-S transponder, which will send the OUT signal if it has a WAAS GPS position available. The GTN650 provides the WAAS GPS info.
Great upgrade report!

You will really enjoy the extra capability, Sid, not just on "fer-shor" solid IFR days, but on those days when it's kinda scuzzy marginal VFR-ish...I was losing more than a few trips due to those conditions, frankly.

It's soooo nice to be able to punch thru a layer at 1200' AGL, get on top at 4000 and not worry about obstacles, terrain, etc. I think the IFR workload is much less than trying to scud run...less stressful, too.

If you don't have one, be looking for B&C to put their vacuum pad backup alternator on sale...great unit, and I picked one up at a discount during last years OSH event.

Fly safe,

I make sure to state ominously whenever our plans (in the cherokee) have to be altered due to weather and lack of optimal nav gear... you are lucky she bit!

Congrats! I think instrument is the toughest ride but it sure seems like you are ready!

KELLI GIRL and I passed the IFR checkride yesterday. Thanks, DPE Joe Johnson, for a well-run and thorough checkride.

IFR ticket....done!


Once again, I owe HUGE thanks to:
- CFII Matthew Hood of Positive Rate LLC. Matt is the same CFII that trained Walt Aronow of EXP Aircraft Services for his IFR ticket. Matt absolutely excels at training RV drivers in their own airplane's unique avionics configuration. Thanks Matt.
- Walt Aronow of EXP Aircraft Services for crafting a fantastic IFR panel, blending the best of Dynon SkyView Classic with the awesome Garmin GTN650 WAAS GPS and Nav. My examiner had huge complements for the level of IFR capability the panel gave me. Speaking of the examiner....
- DPE Joe Johnson of Flying Ace Services LLC, Parker County Weatherford KWEA. I believe Mr Johnson gave me a fair, thorough, and instructive evaluation. He was rigorous but patient, and we even had a laugh or two. You are a real pro, Joe, thanks.
- My wife Kelli, for cracking the whip. Thanks Love, you're the best.

Now, off for more learning...
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KELLI GIRL and I passed the IFR checkride yesterday. Thanks, DPE Joe Johnson, for a well-run and thorough checkride.

IFR ticket....done!

Congrats Sid! The beginning of a whole other realm of responsibility.