
Well Known Member
Hi ya'll,

I have an RV-7A and I enjoy practicing spin entry/recovery periodically. However, I do not enjoy cleaning the belly of my plane.

Any good tips on how to decrease the odds of chucking oil out the breather? I don't have any sort of scavenger - just the standard vans 1/4" gap between the vent line and the left exhaust.

I usually fly with 6 qt oil.
Stop pushing the stick forward... :rolleyes:

Contrary to what some instructors teach, you don't need to "PUSH" the nose out of the stall/spin.

I do spins all > 0g.
Stop pushing the stick forward... :rolleyes:

Contrary to what some instructors teach, you don't need to "PUSH" the nose out of the stall/spin.

I do spins all > 0g.

Good point - perhaps I am subconsciously pushing a bit. I'll try less push, more sorta neutral.