
Well Known Member
My wire harness can touch the aileron actuation pushrod in the right wing. Not much slack in the harness to allow use of an Adel clamp on the main spar. What have you guys done to keep the wires away from movable objects like this?

Is there an 'extended' Adel clamp I should know about?

Wire Harness Touching Aileron Pole R Wing.jpg
I'd try an an Adel clamp close to where it comes through the rib, to hold it up and over.
My wire harness can touch the aileron actuation pushrod in the right wing. Not much slack in the harness to allow use of an Adel clamp on the main spar. What have you guys done to keep the wires away from movable objects like this?

Is there an 'extended' Adel clamp I should know about?

View attachment 24937

Can't see enough of the harness to know but would raising the left bushing up an inch or so on the rib help?
I'd probably run a piece of safety wire between the two ribs right over the pushrod. But, put a sleeve of that plastic brake hose stuff Van's uses over the safety wire. Run the wire bundle over that "preventer". I'd be careful of clamping anything too tightly if you can't easily get to the clamp down the road.

BTW, you can use washer "T"'s at the rib hole to reinforce the hole so the wire doesn't wear the rib. Or, could use two drilled bolts to anchor the safety wire (heavy). Don't pull the ribs out of position, and watch for wire chaffing on the top skin.

Just an idea.

Another is a Click-bond wire anchor on the top skin. Takes a zip tie. Pricey, but work well.
Just curious - any chance at this point you could re-route harness to use direct route between ribs that avoid crossing the pushrod?

Another thought: Not sure this would work here, but you might try using a clip for zip-ties in the lightening hole to secure the wiring away from the pushrod. Here's a photo of how it looks in another setting:



In your situation, with the routing going between different grommets in the ribs, perhaps use the clip to make a "sling" to hold the harness away from pushrod?

Don't forget the assist effect you'll get from gravity when the wing is "right side up" since you're looking at an upside-down wing right now. Of course that goes away with negative Gs!

Source for the clips to use in lightening hole:
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Trying to hold up that with something at "arms length" seems awkward and weak.

Can you continue straight to the next rib? Then you can use an adel along the rib to keep it from ever possibly touching the push rod.
Me? I’d re-route the harness through a new bushing. Or I’d install an adel on the inboard rib and use it to put an “L” shaped kink in the harness so it can run parallel to the pushrod instead of running diagonally across the rib bay.

In our RV-14A I used sharkbite tubing from Home Depot as a conduit. Once secured it worked great! And if you needed to fix something you have a conduit to pull wires. It was a bit tricky to line up the hones in the spars and drill them a little for the OD of the tubing.
It worked great!
Just curious - any chance at this point you could re-route harness to use direct route between ribs that avoid crossing the pushrod?

Another thought: Not sure this would work here, but you might try using a clip for zip-ties in the lightening hole to secure the wiring away from the pushrod. Here's a photo of how it looks in another setting:



In your situation, with the routing going between different grommets in the ribs, perhaps use the clip to make a "sling" to hold the harness away from pushrod?

Don't forget the assist effect you'll get from gravity when the wing is "right side up" since you're looking at an upside-down wing right now. Of course that goes away with negative Gs!

Source for the clips to use in lightening hole:

Turner, I was looking for lightening hole conduit cable tie devices just like this for another application, but I think they will work here, too. Thanks much.
Put two tiny holes in the ribs directly over the pushrod. String some safety wire tightly as a guide wire or bridge over the pushrod. Put something on the safey wires for anti-chafing (heat shrink tubing?), then zip tie the wire bundle to the safety wire.
You'd probably be better off (with gravity present) to run the wires below the pushrod.
Put two tiny holes in the ribs directly over the pushrod. String some safety wire tightly as a guide wire or bridge over the pushrod. Put something on the safey wires for anti-chafing (heat shrink tubing?), then zip tie the wire bundle to the safety wire.
You'd probably be better off (with gravity present) to run the wires below the pushrod.

Since the wing is upside down in OP's photo, isn't the wire bundle already "under"?
Re-route. Imagine whatever support / anti chafe method you use failing and then move forward in time and view the result. This bundle may end up in contact with a flight control. Question answered ...