
Well Known Member

my canopy is ready for the skirt but I scare about leaving the canopy on the frame only with keeper rivets.

In your opinion, is this a possible 'cracking' situation ?


Ok. ok. 92 visitors for this thread and no replies.

Probably this means that I can remove my clecos and that I can trust to the keepers for starting my skirt job.

I'll do tomorror
Sorry Luca,

No time to reply yesterday. I am at the same stage with my canopy. The keeper rivets are doing fine on my canopy...I have had it off and on the fuselage MANY times fitting the skirts. No problems so far. You will be putting clecoes in and out of the canpoy and frame quite a few times yet.

Right now, I am finishing the fiberglass work on the skirt to make the skirt as airtight as possible.
I will be posting pics of this process fairly soon.

A long breath, and removed all the clecos !

The canopy stay in place, no crack noise in an afternoon of work (on/off the canopy rails for ten times...)

I've started my skirt job !