
Well Known Member
I am planning my future upgrade path to EFIS hopefully this summer. I currently have a 155 with a 209 for vor/loc/gs and a 300xl for gps. I will be replacing the radios with a 430w and a com of some kind. I am thinking of keeping the 209 as a backup indicator in case the EFIS goes TU.

Is this reasonable?
EFIS Upgrade

I am planning my future upgrade path to EFIS hopefully this summer. I currently have a 155 with a 209 for vor/loc/gs and a 300xl for gps. I will be replacing the radios with a 430w and a com of some kind. I am thinking of keeping the 209 as a backup indicator in case the EFIS goes TU.

Is this reasonable?

When I upgraded my panel I kept the Indicator for just that reason. If the AFS 5500 were to quit, I still have the G420W and Indicator to fall back on for an approach.

IF I understood correctly, you were proposing to keep the King CDI as a backup for use with the Garmin 430? That may or may not work, you need to ask an avionics guy. The vor decoding is done differently from one company to the next. so it might work, or it might not work. I suspect the answer is that it won't work, which is why Garmin gets away with charging $2K for its compatible CDI.

Instead of a new 430 and "a com of some kind", why not consider keeping the KX-155 and replacing the G300 with a G420? Then you know the CDI will work with the KX-155, the 420 has a built in cdi for the gps for backup, you still have some kind of nav if the 420 quits (as opposed to everything in the 430), it's cheaper, ..... The objection may be whatever new EFIS you buy. The KX-155 may or may not interface with it, ask the EFIS manufacturer.
As I understand it, the 430 will drive either the EFIS or the CDI but not both at the same time. If the EFIS were being driven by the 430 and went TU, then in order for the 430 to then drive the CDI the 430 would need to be reconfigured, something you would not want to do in the middle of an approach?? I have an SL30 with a CDI and a Dynon D100 with an HS34. For ILS approaches I do not use the HSI on the Dynon, I use the CDI.
Is this the perfered config.? Or is there a better way??
IF I understood correctly, you were proposing to keep the King CDI as a backup for use with the Garmin 430? That may or may not work, you need to ask an avionics guy. The vor decoding is done differently from one company to the next. so it might work, or it might not work. I suspect the answer is that it won't work, which is why Garmin gets away with charging $2K for its compatible CDI.

Instead of a new 430 and "a com of some kind", why not consider keeping the KX-155 and replacing the G300 with a G420? Then you know the CDI will work with the KX-155, the 420 has a built in cdi for the gps for backup, you still have some kind of nav if the 420 quits (as opposed to everything in the 430), it's cheaper, ..... The objection may be whatever new EFIS you buy. The KX-155 may or may not interface with it, ask the EFIS manufacturer.

The manual says it will drive a KI-209A, at least for Left/Right. Not sure about for Up/Down. Also, I'm guessing that the OBS setting knob is essentially inop.
IF I understood correctly, you were proposing to keep the King CDI as a backup for use with the Garmin 430? That may or may not work, you need to ask an avionics guy. The vor decoding is done differently from one company to the next. so it might work, or it might not work. I suspect the answer is that it won't work, which is why Garmin gets away with charging $2K for its compatible CDI.

Instead of a new 430 and "a com of some kind", why not consider keeping the KX-155 and replacing the G300 with a G420? Then you know the CDI will work with the KX-155, the 420 has a built in cdi for the gps for backup, you still have some kind of nav if the 420 quits (as opposed to everything in the 430), it's cheaper, ..... The objection may be whatever new EFIS you buy. The KX-155 may or may not interface with it, ask the EFIS manufacturer.

I wouldn't have a backup for GPS LPV approaches in that scenario. Also, I believe I can get a decent digital slimline com for almost a grand less than I can sell a 155 w/GS for.
As I understand it, the 430 will drive either the EFIS or the CDI but not both at the same time. If the EFIS were being driven by the 430 and went TU, then in order for the 430 to then drive the CDI the 430 would need to be reconfigured, something you would not want to do in the middle of an approach?? I have an SL30 with a CDI and a Dynon D100 with an HS34. For ILS approaches I do not use the HSI on the Dynon, I use the CDI.
Is this the perfered config.? Or is there a better way??

Ah, really? I figured I might just have to install a switch, did not consider that I might have to reconfigure the GPS output. Good thought, I will check on that one.
GPS, VOR, Indicator, and EFIS

As I understand it, the 430 will drive either the EFIS or the CDI but not both at the same time. If the EFIS were being driven by the 430 and went TU, then in order for the 430 to then drive the CDI the 430 would need to be reconfigured, something you would not want to do in the middle of an approach?? I have an SL30 with a CDI and a Dynon D100 with an HS34. For ILS approaches I do not use the HSI on the Dynon, I use the CDI.
Is this the perfered config.? Or is there a better way??

I have an AFS 5500 EFIS, a Garmin 420W, an SL30, and an Indicator, which I kept in the panel from the previous configuration. The Indicator is wired to both the 420W and SL30 through an Annunciator with a push button to switch the Indicator between GPS or VOR/ILS. The 5500 is also wired to 420W and SL30 and I can select which nav source I want to use. With this setup I can simultaneous display a GPS or VOR/ILS approach on both the EFIS and Indicator. If the 5500 were to quit, I still have the Indicator display for a GPS or VOR/ILS approach.