
I'm New Here
I'm looking at used RV's right now - there are some excellent craftsmen out there....!

Unfortunately, where I'm from, a hangar will cost you a mortgage...IF you can find one (and you can't - I've been trying).

So, while I get it - hangar is better than a tie-down - my question is:

Are there any type-specific concerns I need to be aware of in terms of keeping an RV-8 at a tie-down, assuming the appropriate cowl-plugs and a canopy cover are used?

Just like any other metal airplane

It will deteriorate faster, paint will fade faster, hinges and the like will oxidise faster.

But no different to any other spam can parked outside

Fly it once or twice a week to keep the inside of the engine coated in oil to prevent rust..Thats probably the biggest requirement right there

the 'great' outdoors

my two thoughts;
1. you have to keep vermin out or off the plane. Covers can be good and bad, trapping moisture and chafing paint. Last month my elevator jammed full-up, during my preflight, due to bird stuff that had dropped from the top of the rudder, and dried. quite tough to remove!
2. how much maintenance is likely? If you can drive onto the field with your truck and toolbox, do an oil change, block-up the gear to change a tire, or install something new FWF, great.
If not, can you become 'best friends' with someone that will loan a hangar when you need to do this stuff?
If you don't have good field access, or someplace to do an annual, this stuff can really become a P.I.T.A.!
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Not all tie-downs are created equal. Snow removal could be an issue in corners of parking areas. In 2005 I witnessed a damage by a snow plower to a Cessna tail pushing a mountain of snow toward it. Alfa tiedown KFRG.
get a hangar

Hi James,

You probably know this, but one trick is to find someone with a hangar and buy their airplane, move yours into the hangar, and sell the one you just bought on to someone else.

Or, keep your airplane in a hangar a bit further from the closest airport, and buy or rent an old beater that you can leave outside to "commute" to the RV.

Just throwing out ideas - sorry if you've already considered these.

Ugh - just looked up where you live. Best of luck, my friend, and welcome to VAF!

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Long Island and Corrosion

Be aware that any airplane kept outside on Long Island will definitely suffer corrosion at some point. Every airport is within walking distance of salt water. My $9,000 strip to bare metal and paint job lasted ten years before the surface corrosion reappeared. Have you tried Brookhaven or Gabreski Airport for hangar space? Brookhaven will set you back $530 per month for a new "T" Hangar. Gabreski has some 'Condo' deals on the north end of the field where you can lease the land and purchase the hangar. I have not opted for a hangar until now. Of course I am not storing a beloved RV yet. Here is my thinking:
Tiedown at Brookhaven = $70/month
Hangar at Brookhaven: $530/month
Savings= $450/Month or $5400/year or $54,000/ ten years
New Top of the Line Paint Job every 10 years = $10,000
Now don't get me wrong, THERE IS NOTHING BETTER than having a hangar for your baby. Especially if you spent years building it. It's just that where we live, hangar space costs an arm, a leg and one of your TSA inspection points.
forward baggage compartment

The forward baggage compartment on the RV-8 is fairly vulnerable to the elements. Many canopy covers extend forward to cover that baggage door too.
If you have an 8A model you will most likely get water past the wing/fuselage intersection fairing and water will pool. Unless you have sealed the intersection between the fuselage and the bottom skin in this area it will also flow into the fuselage and pool in the center section area as well.

I keep mine in a hangar but when I travel and park outside I get seepage here when it rains and have had up to an inch of water. Lifting the nose up will drain most of the water so I'm suspecting there won't be as much water on a tail dragger. Drainage holes might help.
Get/make wing and empennage covers. Use the water shedding, breathable fabric (polycotton?). Could actually make covers for the whole plane if you were that concerned and have almost no loss of coating life over time.

Also, apply Corrosion Block or other similar coating on as much of the steel (fasteners mainly) as you can.

Nothing beats a hangar, but I sure understand your situation.
Same issue

Hi James. A few of us at our airport are having the same concerns as we finish up our builds. Nothing available inside and no option to build. Here is a link to a solution we are working on getting approved. It is portable and while it should last 15 years or more...there will be some maintenance but when a set of covers cost $1500 to $2K, this doesnt seem too bad, and it can always be taken down and sold.


Not sure whos version we will buy, but this is the type of product that seems to make sense.
Water Drains

You will need to drill drain holes in the belly skins in front of the bulkheads. Van's just said to drill where needed to drain water that will collect.
Thanks....and does anyone have an RV8 for sale?


Thanks for the great replies. Unbelievable support on this group. Now, who has a kick-*** RV8 with a good IFR panel for sale?!

[email protected]

Look for someone with a high clearance hangar, see if you can rent the airspace above thier airplane and purchase an AEROLIFT. I have one and have a 182 and Citabria in a hangar.....works great.

Aerolift is a good solution, good thought.

toung in cheek,,, I have hanger space here in Texas, $250 per month, pilots to help keep you oil circulated too ;) Bring it on down..
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may have help!!!!!!

james, i have a good friend on the north side of gabreski that may have some info. they have a great group that have infiltrated the new hangers on that side. his name is tim. give me some time.
Nothing like the great Northeast to kill dreams of airplanes warm and dry in the Hangar! We need to move!