
Well Known Member
My daughter and I flew from Louisiana to KECP this morning. Dodged a little weather and got cleared THROUGH all the restricted areas today as they were inactive today.

I asked for the ILS into ECP just for the practice. Controller vectored me on to final, then came back and let me know that there was a king air behind me going twice my speed. Would I like a hold at the IAF or to be vectored out east and back once they passed. I took the scenic route out east and then back to final.

Once on the ground, the king air pilot came over and apologized for making me deviate and talked to me for a good while about my RV. Sounded like he would have rather been in mine than his.

It was a great flight filled with great controllers and cool sights. Could just be that this is the first day of my vacation, or I could be living right.

Enjoy folks!
Saw you taxi in as we were departing the ramp in the Falcon 50. That Sheltair group is normally awesome. Hope that was your experience.
It always surprises me how often pilots of corporate jets stroll over to check out the RV. We flew to Cabo San Lucas in April and, upon parking, saw the captain from the Caesar's Falcon coming over to say hi and check out my RV-9A. It sure makes one feel special. Then again...... It's a Vans! Thanks for the write up.