Active Member
Can you land on a dime (literally)? How much do you remember from physics class (specifically projectile motion)? And lastly, do you like hamburgers (I mean c'mon).

Sorry, I know this is a bit of a cross-post, but we just got the go ahead for the spot landing contests and the water balloon drop contests along with the on-field cook out, and this is shaping up to be a promising time. Did I mention this would be a perfect time to show off an RV to susceptible and impressionable young minds? :D Sorry, I'm already hooked.

Even if you don't have an RV and would like to fly-in for some fun, let me know. Its all going down this Sat (April 7th) as we depart from KFTY (Fulton County, Georgia) at 10:30am and arrive at KCCO (Newton County) 30 minutes later and commence the fun. Rain date is the subsequent week, but we're expecting (hoping) for great weather.
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Water balloons, flour bombs, etc

Anybody got a good way to heave from an RV?

One of the best times I ever had was my Dad bombing a golf course from a Bellanca.......

(Dad has been gone now for 15 years so I guess he is immune to prosecution)
cawmd82 said:
Anybody got a good way to heave from an RV?

One of the best times I ever had was my Dad bombing a golf course from a Bellanca.......

(Dad has been gone now for 15 years so I guess he is immune to prosecution)
Was wondering if any of you with sliding canopies have gotten courageous with this. I understand that it is possible when modded and at low speeds, but somewhat hazardous. Otherwise its a competition you'd obviously have to forgo (unless you've built some sort of window or vent). Dern.
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Dropping from a slider:yes, its been done!

An Atlanta area RV-6 owner has regularly dropped large batches of candy into a field for a children's event. He drilled a hole thru the floor on the CP side behind the seat back brace and ran a rod/handle down underneath the baggage area where he would place his candy package. Over his target, he reaches back and pulls the handle.

I've seen the handle apparatus but have not witnessed the actual drop.
No problem!

Just install the flour/water bomb dispenser pod on the centerline hard point. Wire it into the stick grip so you just hit the pickle button. :D
Shack lead: Two, hit lead's smoke {flour?} !

Shack lead: Two, hit lead's smoke {flour?} !