Tim 8-A

Well Known Member
My daughter has a soccer tournament the weekend of 5/25- 5/26 (yes that's right Memorial day weekend). So to make it a little more enjoyable we are going to take the RV-10 weather permitting. Its at DSG park it looks like 25 miles from Centennial (KAPA) and 16 miles from Rocky Mountain (KBJC) Any preference to which is better suited for GA, cheaper parking, and rent cars? Easier to fly in and out of we might take a few afternoon flights.

I've flown out of both. BJC is my choice hands down. Not sure about the rental car situation. Self serve $5.54
My office is at KAPA, but I keep my project at KBJC. KAPA is a very busy airport, though certainly not difficult to fly out of. I prefer the crowd at KBJC...despite the extra drive.

I'm not sure about rental cars. Don't miss the Wednesday EAA lunch crowd if you're around.
I flew corporate a lot out there and always preferred APA for prices. BJC had one FBO after Denver Jet Center took over Stevens. I guess the other post stated 5.54 there but TAC air at APA is 5.54 too. I thought APA tried harder because of competition. I know there are RV's at both but my opinion is APA.
How about KFTG

Front Range Airport is extremely GA friendly and no ramp fees. SS Fuel is $5.39 and there are rental cars. While KFTG seems out in the boonies it is right off I-70 and a straight shot to DSG Park.
It appears its in Surface airspace, can you get in and out with only talking to the tower?
I called the tower, so no issues getting in and out. The overnight parking (hangar) is much cheaper here than the other two. Looks like it might be a good choice, unless there is a lot of guys hanging out at BJC on Saturday?

Front Range Airport is extremely GA friendly and no ramp fees. SS Fuel is $5.39 and there are rental cars. While KFTG seems out in the boonies it is right off I-70 and a straight shot to DSG Park.
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It appears its in Surface airspace, can you get in and out with only talking to the tower?

If I understand you correctly, my Denver TAC shows that FTG is in a wedge that's below the Class B, which is 120/70 over that airport.

Getting to DSG Park from FTG would definitely be easier than from the other airports. Straight shot west on I-70.
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Generally speaking....

Front Range (KFTG) has the least traffic, least expensive fuel and the least amenities. Centennial (KAPA) has the most traffic, most expensive fuel and the most amenities. Rocky Mountain Metro (KBJC) is in the middle. Have fun on your trip. Colorado has some beautiful spots for daytrips too!
DSG Park closer to FTG

DSG park is actually most convenient to Front Range, but be careful of the airspace. FTG is literally adjacent to DIA and it's easy to inadvertently fly into Class B airspace. If you talk to Denver approach on the way in, they'll keep you clear though.

If you're going to get a rental can anyway, you might try Longmont airport. It's much quieter, and the Enterprise guys will bring you a car to the airport. I'm not presently flying, so I can't quote the price of gas.

Have fun,

It appears its in Surface airspace, can you get in and out with only talking to the tower?
I called the tower, so no issues getting in and out. The overnight parking (hangar) is much cheaper here than the other two. Looks like it might be a good choice, unless there is a lot of guys hanging out at BJC on Saturday?

Yes KFTG sits in it's own Delta airspace tucked in under KDEN Bravo airspace. With the Bravo airspace being a standard circular Class-B on the east and south sides it is pretty easy to stay under if just talking with the FTG tower or call Denver Approach and they'll get you in.
It appears its in Surface airspace, can you get in and out with only talking to the tower?
I called the tower, so no issues getting in and out. The overnight parking (hangar) is much cheaper here than the other two. Looks like it might be a good choice, unless there is a lot of guys hanging out at BJC on Saturday?

On typical saturday's there is a decent crowd at BJC. In the Lima hanger row alone there are often several of us there. I'll be there beating my -8 project with a large hammer. Ron D will likely be there pulling on electrical spaghetti in his -7. Bob and Jim are usually down in Gray's hanger torturing Bob's -8 electrical system along with Sean in the same hanger finishing off his gorgeous -7 fuel tanks. Jim's flying -8 is the yardstick by which the rest of us torture ourselves. Dick next door has a very nice flying -8 too. John K has a very nice -6 across the way as well. Naturally, all depends on wife demands on the weekends...so naturally no promises made, but Saturday's you'll seldom be alone at BJC and the mountain view is without equal.

You really can't go wrong with any of the three you are deciding between.
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On typical saturday's there is a decent crowd at BJC. In the Lima hanger row alone there are often several of us there. I'll be there beating my -8 project with a large hammer. Ron D will likely be there pulling on electrical spaghetti in his -7. Bob and Jim are usually down in Gray's hanger torturing Bob's -8 electrical system along with Sean in the same hanger finishing off his gorgeous -7 fuel tanks. Jim's flying -8 is the yardstick by which the rest of us torture ourselves. Dick next door has a very nice flying -8 too. John K has a very nice -6 across the way as well. Naturally, all depends on wife demands on the weekends...so naturally no promises made, but Saturday's you'll seldom be alone at BJC and the mountain view is without equal.

You really can't go wrong with any of the three you are deciding between.

This sounds like a Saturday around my airport (52F).
I'll either fly in or drive in to see what hangar doors are open, thanks.
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It looks like Front Range (KFTG) is by far the cheapest for overnight stays (hangar storage). Here is the pricing on all three for future reference.
KAPA TacAIr= $150.00 per night.
KBJC Aircenter= $130.00 per night.
KFTG FrontRange= $79.00 first night $59.00 the second and third.
I made a reservation with FrontRange. Thanks for all the help.

I'm throwing this out there if anyone is bored on Saturday and wanting to fly.
I would love to add Eagle (KEGE) to my log book.
I have 700 hours flying flatland, zero mountain flying. I would love to go into eagle but not comfortable without a experienced pilot with me.
We could take my 10 or I would be happy to pay the fuel if your more comfortable in yours. I know its a holiday weekend so its a long shot but thought I'd ask. My daughter has one soccer game Saturday so I'm free after 11:00 am.
Wow, that is quite a difference in hanger fees. You made the right choice and I'm sure you will have a great time. The only guy I know out there in Kansas is a wild man in a -6a. A bit of a hot dog pilot, rumor has it he has been wringing out a local Pitts and scaring the bejesus out of the local goose population. Helluva nice guy, but I hear he likes to hang out on boats in the pacific with thousands of other men. Don't ask, don't tell is my motto. I've heard there are some pictures of his recent carrier qualifications....but none have surfaced thus far to my knowledge. Gary gave me my first RV ride way back when .... helluva nice guy despite that Navy fetish of his.
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