Well Known Member
Stopped by Winchester Municipal Airport (KBGF) this morning on my way to work to admire all of the beautiful RVs (and other aircraft) who'd come to Winchester for the monthly pancake breakfast. I was shy and didn't go inside the fence, but seeing all those completed RVs was inspiring! (I watched a gorgeous RV-14A take off around 9am -- whoever you are, I love your plane!)

I was also there! So many amazing planes! This was the second one in Winchester i have been to, and everyone there is super friendly and eager to share stories! I spoke with several RV pilots, and they have all been very helpful and willing to share their experiences. It really is an awesome community. Whenever a unique plane rolled up (and there were many) it seemed like there would be an unofficial welcome crew that would spontaneously materialize, eager to admire the plane and talk to the pilot. I think there were on the order of 50 planes there over the course of the breakfast. Definitely come back next month! I know i will!
I definitely plan on being there again next month! Maybe I'll screw up my courage and go inside the fence this time ;)
Notification of event

Hey guys, I did some searching and could not find this monthly event. Is there a site for it, or is it just the first weekend of every month?
First Saturday of every month, gets started about 7:30, turns into a swarm by 8:00, and tapers off around 9:00-ish.

Do some checking in case regular schedule hasn't resumed, but Moontown (3M5) is a great grass strip breakfast on the third Saturday, and Shelbyville (KSYI) is the fourth Saturday. Last I heard Guntersville (8A1) had resumed their second Saturday breakfast, but confirm.

Fifth Saturday--Ft. Payne (4A9) fills out the full month schedule......a fly-in breakfast within a 50-mile radius every week. :)
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