
Well Known Member
Has anyone with Flightdek 180 panel retrofitted with the new Kavlico FP sensor (now supplied with Skyview)? Dynon says this is more accurate but install requires re-wiring some stuff and--shudder--reprogramming the Dynon.

I'm not equipped to break the trail for this. Hoping for some technical guidance.

RV12 #264
120 hours
Jim, the Kavlico sensor seems to be a better product than the previous unit. The re-wiring is very straight forward. The instructions come with it and the hardest part, which is not hard is you need to supply 5 volts to the unit. I spliced the hot wire to the map sensor and it worked well. You will have to download the latest firmware to the D180 as the previous program will not support the Kavlico. Dynon can walk you through the whole thing. My old sensor was driving me nuts with both high and low pressure alarms. You will need a smaller Adel clamp as the Kavlico is smaller in diameter. Good luck!
Jim, the Kavlico sensor seems to be a better product than the previous unit. The re-wiring is very straight forward.

Dave...Did you have to install a 330uF capacitor as Petie to filter the noisy indication or has the Dynon software been updated to incorporate a bit of filtering? I just placed the order for one.
No noise, but I read somewhere about installing a resistor to dampen the needle movements of the gauge.
No noise, but I read somewhere about installing a resistor to dampen the needle movements of the gauge.

Yes, I put the first Kavlico on a D-180 and the needle jumped from zero to 7 continuously. Correct upgrade was installed. I eventually placed a uf330 between the green (sensor) wire and the black (ground) wire. Problem solved. It now runs perfectly. Dynon said at the time, they had never tested one in the air, only on the bench. I would think it would take a new firmware upgrade to correct the problem without a capacitor. I don't know of any such recent upgrade. Like most Dynon equipment, maybe mine had different issues than Dave's. One guy we know had to get four new 180's before he got one that worked. Marty and Jim...I would certainly try it without first if it worked for Dave.
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Mine only bounces around in the green arc. It never goes into the yellow or sets off an alarm thankfully.
Mine only bounces around in the green arc. It never goes into the yellow or sets off an alarm thankfully.

It can be solid as a rock...like your oil pressure. Garmin tested every fuel pressure sensor known to man before they put out the G3X...Kavlico is the one they chose. You have a great sensor
Thanks to Marty and Peter I too installed the kavlico fuel sensor with great results. I did install the uf330 capacitor as Pete describes in previous post and the result is almost rock solid readings with fluctuations of no more than .5 psi. GREAT IMPROVEMENT!
Pictures please

Thanks to all who have provided details and data for the retrofit. Could you gentlemen, when time permits, please post some photos of the installation. It would be helpful to see what size Adel clamp (Dynon says it's smaller) is required to secure it to the firewall. Also, where does one obtain the condenser and what does, "...placed a uf330 between the green (sensor) wire and black (ground) wire," look like?

the capacitors are readily avail from Radio Shack and ridiculously cheap. There is a wonderful video on the EAA site about installing capacitors. I have mine basically duct taped to the firewall because if Dynon ever does the correct firmware update (don't cross your fingers) I will have to remove it.

I just basically hooked a capacitor to a new green wire and the other end to a new black (ground) wire. Then I simply tied them to the existing green and black wires that come with the kit from Dynon. I'd wait on the clamp till you get the device and figure how you want to place it.

Thanks Pete. When I spoke to Dynon, they said the install would require an update to my unit. I presumed this to be something newer than the firmware I installed 18 months ago. I guess I need to check the Dynon site to see if the latest firmware number is higher than the one I have. They didn't say anything about a condenser so I guess a ground run after install will tell me if I need it.

Jim. Dynon is probably talking about 5.43 from December which you do need because it recognized that you even have a Kavlico. It still takes a capacitor (not a condenser). You do need to install that upgrade first yes...after you save the "key" from Vans of course.

I want to change this sensor - does this stuff (capacitor etc) apply to Skyview or is this for D-180 operators?

Bob Bogash
Need Computer Help

OK, got the new sensor today, jotted down instructions from posts above. Since laptop is at hangar, decided to download the stuff on the big one and transfer to a flash drive. Downloaded zip file of Vans 5.43 which is supposed to recognize Kavlico sensor. (Strangely the data plate for the file shows August 2010...)

Computer says it can't open file. I want to look at it before copying to flash. What do I need to do this? I tried a couple of the programs it recommended downloading...no success. Didn't have any problem loading up the D180 18 months ago...

TIA, Jim

Make sure you have the right drivers installed (on Dynon's site) and make sure you download Van's "unlock key" for 5.43 on their website under downloads. Do the Van's thing first....then download the 5.43 from Dynon. I will p.m. you phone number. call me if you have a prob.

The Dynon Support Program will ask for Van's EFS file when you update the D-180.
You could "OPEN WITH" NOTEPAD but that will not tell you much unless you are a computer programmer. It is Greek to me. If you make any changes to the EFS file, who knows what the consequences will be.
Joe Gores