
Well Known Member
Work was going to send me Southwest but I would rather the RV take me to DC for training.
Up bright and early for a 5:30 am wheels up to leave in front of the weather.


You can't see the bombers on the ramp in the picture, either it's my IPhone camera in the dark or they are in "Stealth" mode.


A sunrise compilation, it kept me occupied for at least 45 minutes.




My first planned stop was KBAK for cheap fuel and restaurant on the field for breakfast, ADSB wx showed some low ceilings in the area that were clearing up as I got closer. By the time I could pick up the AWOS it was reporting 100 vertical visibility and less than 1/4 mile visibility. Here was the airport...


I was #2 behind a biz jet that had been holding, the biz jet missed on approach to RWY 32 and requested vectors for the RWY 05 apch. I could clearly see the western half of the airport as I was being vectored over the top at 6000'. Several other aircraft where stacking up behind me and since I was on the senic vector tour I found KOVO had cheap fuel and was now closer than my intended destination so I cancelled IFR and skipped breakfast. A fellow RV begging to be flown...



I settled on plan B for breakfast, I packed a cooler just in case. Funny that I've not added a rudder trim tab yet, 2 feet resting on the right rudder pedal is just right.

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Flew right over KCVG.


I had a hard time getting a decent photo of the Appalachians, they were gorgeous.


I was drawn to the south of DC for cheap fuel, W75 was surprisingly short for being almost 2300'. The 10 knot crosswind was completely blocked after descending below the trees and I floated over half the runway before finally initiating a go-around. Perhaps it was me taking pics on base to final, or perhaps it was the unfamiliar ocean smell but the second landing was adaquate.....mostly.


I love these signs all over Va, I should've brought the wife!


I chatted with the cool dude in the champ, he purchased it in Colorado and flew it home several years back. I felt like I was home when he told me the locals land in the grass to the east of the pavement.......I asked where a Kansas boy could find a good crab-cake, I've never had one. I know what a good steak is but most of my seafood experience comes from Red Lobster.

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Based on sage local advice I spent some time deciphering the local restricted areas, paid particular attention to how the airplane was running and headed out over Chesapeake Bay. KTGI was only a 15-20 minute flight with the power pulled back and using the GPS approach fixes to stay clear of the restricted areas.




Plenty of tiedowns spots, but no restroom etc. There is a self pay box for a $10 landing fee to help cover the runway/ramp renovation costs, runway and ramp were in great condition. I thought there was asphalt chunks all over the runway, then I realized it was some sort of large bird poop.



I swear I've seen someone else's trip report with a pic of this bridge on VAF, but I can't place it. The junk boats/graveyards/houses/piers prevalent on the island somehow give the island a friendly atmosphere, hard to explain.




As I walked into town I came upon a lady who had set her backpack down and was standing in the middle of the sidewalk road. I've named them sidewalk roads because they are large sidewalks used by people walking, golf carts, scooters 4-wheelers and compact cars. You have to step onto someone's porch or yard when a compact car comes by. Anywho I thought she might have been flying the C150 also on the ramp, not so but an artist drawing. She recommended I flag down a golf cart and find out where the best crabby patties were.
I flagged down a lady in an apron on a golf cart and asked where I might find a good crabby pattie, she said she was biased but since she owned and cooked the crabby patties at Lorraine's I would find the best crabby pattie there. As good as the crab cake sandwich was the cream of crab soup that came with it was even better!


I loved the small town feel of this island, the local hard workers were easy to spot in their galoshes, tans and beat up golf carts. The camaraderie of those making the island a viable place to live and work was apparent. The local accent was unlike anything I've ever heard.

I wasn't prepared for the lack of cell coverage on the island, no Pilot app or flight service to get a flight plan in the system. I never fully completed the DC SFRA training to fly VFR within 60 DME of DCA. I took off hoping to proceed northbound to Kentmorr island on a pop-up IFR, but the most I got was a "standby" from ATC. My backup was to land at W75 again and re-file but I eventually received an IFR clearance to KHEF.


In the suburbs of DC GA doesn't appear to be dead, perhaps it's the # of people per square mile but the ramps were mostly full of aircraft. The local EAA chapter was on the ramp witnessing and videoing what looked to be the first flight of an amphibious auto conversion pusher.
The Metro was a total novelty for this Midwestern kid, lots to learn. The people watching was simply amazing.


I just happened to find an empty B777 sim, not full motion but it was awesome. I couldn't resist and even asked permission before Tex Johnston'ing it!

Finally some walking around time, I wasn't prepared for the emotionality of being at the various monuments and memorials while walking through DC. It must be experienced in person.









The naked RV's must get parked together...


The departure clearance was awesome, all the usual stuff along with a DP spelled out with fixes and a "climb via" clearance. The top of the high overcast was beautiful.


Moon rising.


Definitely not the best time to have an alternator failure, with dual electronic ignitions :eek: I'm really thankful for all the knowledge on electrical systems passed on by those that have went before. My electrical system architecture is based on Nuckoll's Z13-8 with the SD-8 aux Dynamo. I confirmed the failure by toggling the main Alt field several times without success, meanwhile the SD-8 was happily producing amps but not enough with all the electrical goodies on. I coordinated with the awesome controllers about my "issues" and solution. I turned my Master switch off, lost everything but the EBUS which consists of the G3X-1 ignition-backup attitude EFIS and checked in at coordinated times of 10-15 mins. The SD-8 had the battery charged back up in 10-15 minutes verified by the ammeter for the main bus sitting at 0 but wired to show + and - amps.

I definitely considered diverting, but continued IFR in VFR on top conditions to my original destination that was VFR seemed safer than diverting through a higher overcast layer to an unplanned airport in the mountains of West Virginia.

Perhaps I'm biased but the controllers were superb in handling my request and coordinating with each other. I checked on for the second to the last time at 10K 20 minutes out requesting lower, I was given PD to 4000-the weather at the field and permission to turn off my transponder and radio until I had the airport in sight for the visual. I got the airport in sight about 10 miles out and 4000, turned the master and radios on for the remainder of the flight and was cleared to land. I turned the landing light on at short final, but it didn't come on. I had already settled for a crappy landing before I even bounced the first time, I've never got the guts up to practice a blind night landing in a tail dragger. Not sure I want to make it a habit but the little faster final speed and cautious round out worked OK, I touched down in the right attitude for a 3 point but a little fast and hard. The Nav lights were bright enough for me to taxi over a mile to the FBO by offsetting my left wing over the taxiway centerline. Whew, time for a couple beers and some food....
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Glad you're OK. Sounds like some excellent decision making.

Your write-up makes this sound like no big deal....when it is. I'm sure your experience being on the other end of the radio on a daily basis had a significant impact on your ability to communicate and work though the problem. When you couple that along with being the builder of the aircraft, it's not surprising that you were able to diagnose and land safely.

God Speed.

After the free hotel shuttle from the airport it was time to find a beer in Charleston.


A United States Courthouse undergoing some renovations, followed by the Kanawha county courthouse.




This place was exactly what I needed, good local beer with unique and delicious Tacos! Their menu is quite different and the bartender had lots of good suggestions.


Most of Charleston is in a valley at the confluence of the Elk and Kanawha rivers, this June they received over 10 inches of rain in 12ish hours and the resulting flooding caused lots of damage and dozens of deaths. Charleston's capital dome is slightly taller than our nations capital, the state of emergency light at the top of Charleston's capital dome has been lit since. I got a crappy pic on the way back to the airport this am.


The RV awaiting the flight home, safe in a hangar overnight. Luckily the battery acted fully charged after an extended run up to charge the battery with the aux alt last night.


The West Virginia ANG's birds...


I wonder how far up the bridges the flood water made it last June?
