
Well Known Member
Due to a death in the family, I will be in Kansas City area for a week or so, anybody have a 12 around there I could take a look at?
Not too close - 240 miles away in Northern Arkansas. Tail finished, wings almost finished (installing lights). Fuselage kit in hand.
Drive or fly?

If you drove to Kanasa City you most likely used I-35. I'm 75 minutes east of I-35 on highway 82 (Paris, TX). Fuselage and wings done. Almost done with finishing kit. Presently working on the cowling and canopy. Steve
Just south of Steve,(20 mins.)and north of Sulphur Springs. Have built 2 and have one in the shop now. Been assisting Steve with his.
Just missed ya

Just returned from South Padre. Landed at Port Isabel Airport.
If you're in Dallas - am 12 miles south at Lancaster Airport. Flying RV12, will take you for a ride.
Have fun in KC.
Sorry to have Missed You

Darn, so sorry to have missed you, I flew to KC and am back now! I have only seen one 12 so far, sure would like to see others.
When you are at South Padre you were very close to me at T65, sure would have bought you dinner, stop and say hi next time!
That goes for any other 12 pilots that are looking for a destination, plug in T65 and come on down for a visit in warm country and try out your 12 cross country capabilities and load up with fresh grapefruit and oranges. Not much traffic down here, makes a good location for a casual flight.
My kit has been ordered, so am impatiently waiting for Vans to make a delivery, they claimed a n 8 week waiting period.