
Well Known Member
I have both a G-900X and a GPS map 796. When I load the page for KAJO they only show the ASOS frequency, not the CTAF (122.7).

I called Garmin today to report this and the person I spoke with (Scott) directed me to the "report problems" link. When I asked if he did not care about the details, his response was "There's too much stuff out there to care about".

I filed the report online so we'll see when/if this gets corrected. BTW, the nav data cycle is 1611.

I have both a G-900X and a GPS map 796. When I load the page for KAJO they only show the ASOS frequency, not the CTAF (122.7).

I called Garmin today to report this and the person I spoke with (Scott) directed me to the "report problems" link. When I asked if he did not care about the details, his response was "There's too much stuff out there to care about".

I filed the report online so we'll see when/if this gets corrected. BTW, the nav data cycle is 1611.


Hello Marc,

Thanks for reporting this. Our database team does a good job at responding to these types of missing data reports, so we are confident it will be improved soon.

We checked and they have logged your report in their issue tracking system.

Thanks Steve. They sent me an email with an invitation to download the Jepp data until they get it corrected. Question: When I had Jepp before I would download it onto an SD card. Do I still do that or should I put it on the Garmin cards for my G-900X?


Hello Marc,

Thanks for reporting this. Our database team does a good job at responding to these types of missing data reports, so we are confident it will be improved soon.

We checked and they have logged your report in their issue tracking system.

Thanks Steve. They sent me an email with an invitation to download the Jepp data until they get it corrected. Question: When I had Jepp before I would download it onto an SD card. Do I still do that or should I put it on the Garmin cards for my G-900X?


Hello Marc,

If you go to your FlyGarmin database download page, you will see that we have issued you a free navigation database update.

Just download this database to your SD card the same as you did with the other navigation database and install in your aircraft.

This issue has already been addressed in the Garmin navigation database and will be reflected in the next cycle.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have additional questions.
