
Well Known Member
Where are they? or where would they have been in the unpacking of my wings. I have looked all over and even set up shop very well. I don't even see them listed on the inventory sheet. These are needed on the spars. Any ideas..otherwise I'll be calling Vans tomorrow.
Check the bag list

The wings of my RV-9 are different so I can't direct you to a specific bag.

However, you should find these platenuts listed on the separate Bag List that came with your inventory. This lists the contents of each bag in detail. If you haven't unpacked the bags, then you will find the platenuts in the bag number under which they are listed. It is easy to scan the list for any part number you need

Once I cottoned on to this, I stopped unpacking the bags (except those containing only rivets) I put all the bags in an under-bed storage tray, arranged in number sequence, and I keep a laminated copy of the bag list hung on the noticeboard of the shop. Easy to find the part, easy to find the bag.

I have noticed that, wherever possible, Vans won't put two of the same type of part in the same bag to avoid confusion. So, you will usually only find one type of platenut, one size of bolt, one size of washer, etc - unless they are so different in size that they can't easily be confused - very clever.
Bag 1964-1 has 4
Bag 1943 has 2
Bag 1992-1 has 6

They are $.42 ea from Vans.

Don't feel bad. I lost my 2 aux fuel pumps and spent 2 hours looking today - still no joy!
Hah- good one. Everyone knows RVs don't use wing-nuts, although some people who build them are wing nuts ! (Sorry, couldn't resist) ;)