
Well Known Member
Has anyone out there every tried to stretch their air filters back to normal circumference by hanging it vertical and attaching a weight? I replaced my air filter at about 300 hours (5 years) not because of wear but because of shrinkage. Seems like a short life.
Has anyone out there every tried to stretch their air filters back to normal circumference by hanging it vertical and attaching a weight? I replaced my air filter at about 300 hours (5 years) not because of wear but because of shrinkage. Seems like a short life.

Jim, the rubber on the filters actually hardens as they age in our engine cowl conditions. A newer filer has quite a bit of give and as they age they get harder and will not deform. Not sure any attempt at stretching would help. But there is nothing to lose to try, but my .02 is a new filter is in your future.